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Posts posted by PokeDudeDice

  1. Hello,

    I am trying to RNG on DeSMuME and have run into the following issues:

    1) RNG Reporter - I cannot find the values for VCount, Timer), GxStat, and VFrame. What type of DS do I put in for "DS Type"?

    2) I would like to know when the "second"(time/clock)comes into effect. Is it as soon as I open the game on the emulator?

    3) Is there a LUA script that shows the RNG?

    4) Anywhere to read up on emulation RNG? Having a hard time finding anything dedicated to emulation RNG.

    5) When would I hold "Keypresses"?

    I know I am asking alot of questions, but I am sure this thread will help someone else in the future. Also, I tried downloading RAM Watch(IDK what it does, but it seemed useful) but Kaphotics webpage does not allow you to download it anymore(404'd). All Smogon links lead to the same 404'd page. Is this something I need?

    Thank you very much!


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