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Rune Knight

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Posts posted by Rune Knight

  1. On 11/21/2019 at 5:08 PM, Ammako said:

    I'm fairly certain Visual Studio is black magic. I had a lot of trouble getting things to work with Visual Studio 2017 a while ago, even though I was installing the right components, it's like they weren't being recognized despite being installed, and then it eventually just randomly worked when I kept uninstalling and re-installing components.

    Didn't have any issues with Visual Studio 2019 though, it just worked right away. In case it may help, here's what I have:

      Reveal hidden contents



    Thanks for the reply, yeah you were right, I had to reinstall the components like 20 times, but now it finally works. Thank you.

  2. Can someone help me here, please.
    I try to compile the latest pkhex with Visual Studio 2019 (I have .NET Framework 4.6 and .NET Core 3).
    I always get this message: 



    When I migrate the files, I get like a million errors, if I don't, It wont even show the options to build/rebuild/debug.

  3. PKXs and edited SAVs CAN be injected into your game...

    ONLY if you posess a 4.5 console & Gateway Flashcart

    wait..does that mean I can finally use my european 3ds with a gateway and I can inject pkhex with it???

  4. I kind of agree with you on that one. It's really too bad. One can only hope that if they ever get to releasing Gen VI support they will also reintegrate some (probably very limited) form of support for previous Gen games. Only time will tell.

    You got to remember though it's not like they got paid or anything for making Pokecheck. They did this out of their own free generous time and therefore, there is absolutely nothing forcing them to continue support for previous or forth coming generations of games. They owe us nothing in other words and we should be happy we even got to use such a service to begin with. It was a good thing while it lasted and I very much appreciate all the hard work that came into making such a thing even possible in the first place.

    you're right man, I really appreciate it as well and seriously I would even buy a software like this just to check the pokemon's legitimacy, this is all I want. I always used the old legit/legal.exe but after gen4 it was no longer supported, I remember when I asked about an offline version of pokecheck after the gen5 release...I don't care about shinies,events and so on, thats why a standard legit checker for eggs and stationary pokemon would be great enough for me.

  5. Well it's not like it was their decision in the first place to take it down. They kind of had too because Nintendo discontinued wifi support for the DS which in turn meant, to make a long story short, that Pokecheck wouldn't function anymore.

    Actually I never ever used the wifi connection for pokecheck, I always did it with pkm files (uploading saves).

    So... sorry but this is not a good reason.

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