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About TheMaskedBowler

  • Birthday 01/01/1980
  1. Hello. Sorry for the delay; I haven't had the chance to gather the requested information. I tried just about every conceivable combination of processes running/not running that I could get away with. At bare minimum, I shut off my firewall and anti-virus software, and had nothing but "the usual suspects" running -- explorer.exe, csrss.exe, services.exe, sidebar.exe, svchost.exe, the other random Windows processes -- just the bare minimum to keep Windows operational. Now, of course, I disconnected my network from my ISP when I disabled the firewall and whatnot. This might be a stupid question, but: do I need to maintain an internet connection during the trade process? Does the DS need to actually ping conntest.nintendowifi.net before the trade program takes over?
  2. Hmm. I hadn't considered there might be a timeout issue (even though it's right in the error message...heh). Are you suggesting there might be an issue with a timeout between the ShinyDTS/GTS program and the DS itself? Do you have any recommendations for a good timeout setting? All I want is to get the event Pokémon that my son and I missed because we didn't own the games then, y'know? I wish Nintendo didn't make this so hard! Thanks again for your help! Edit: By the way; is there any further configuration information I could provide to help you troubleshoot? Are there any certain Windows services that need to be enabled for this program to function properly?
  3. Hello. Thank you for taking the time to make a support thread on this. I certainly hope I'm posting in the correct place! I am running into an error when using ShinyDTS. I've spent several hours trying to correct the issue, without success. In short, have disabled all firewalls and turned off anything and everything in my wireless router that could possibly be blocking ports TCP 80 and UDP 53. I've explicitly allowed those ports in various places, as well. I am using a DS LIte. I can connect to the regular Nintendo GTS service without issue. I then proceed to modify my DS' connection settings to my local PC's IP address, per instructions. The connection ceases to function after this. The DS returns a 52100 error. The error message from ShinyDTS is as follows: Incoming data from ---(router's IP; PC's IP and ShinyDTS' IP is requesting: conntest.nintendowifi.net A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags) at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, SocketFlags socketFlags) at GlobalDistributionServer.DNS.dnsspoof() This repeats a total of three times before the DS returns the 52100 error and prompts me to try again. I have searched through the forums but I haven't located this specific problem. I apologize in advance if I've overlooked it; this is my third night in a row of trying various programs without success, and it's wearing me down a bit... If you could offer any assistance, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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