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Everything posted by Loos

  1. EDIT: Oh. So since it says I apparently met the Braviary at level 34, it means it was caught then at route 10, but since then it has been traded? Huh. You'd think Nintendo would have a location thing for that. Like "Met in a trade" or something. Also, I think the Link Trade option is used for something else, not regular traded pokemon. And thanks for the help.
  2. Thank you very much for replying. First, I'd like to thank you once more, this time for immediately pointing out my horrible fails. We all need to know when we've failed, else we'll have a harder time succeeding, right? Right. Secondly, I was not aware legal.exe was only for fourth gen. Thanks for letting me know. I'm sure a simple google search would have told me the same thing, but I didn't search google for that. Another fail? I'll add it to the list. Third, I just followed your instructions, but I'm afraid there's still the same porblem. I'm playing Black version, and I have to set the origin to White since Braviary and its prevolution can only be found in white. I didn't think what you said would work at first, but I tried it anyway, giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you knew far more than I did on the matter. I set the location met to route 10 since Ruffet can be caught there in Pokemon White. I saved the AR code, loaded the game, and activated the code. Braviary was in my party. But, my fears were proved correct when I examined him. Now, instead of me having "apparently met" him at "-----------," I have instead "apparently met" him at "route 10." I am almost certain that if you recieve a pokemon in Black from a trade from White, it will not say you "apparently met" the pokemon anywhere. But perhaps I'm being hasty. Maybe you were simply so awestruck by my immense list of fails and your need to correct me on them that you did not read the nature of my problem in the first place. But that is alright. I will say it again just for you. I am using Pokegen to add a Braviary to my pokemon team. I am currently playing Pokemon Black Version for the DS and as I'm sure you're aware the pokemon Braviary and his prevolution can ONLY be caught in Pokemon White Version. That being said, my question is simple: how do I use Pokegen to make a Braviary in Pokemon Black seem as if I recieved it in a trade from a player who caught it in Pokemon White?
  3. I'm a bit new to Pokegen, but I think I've got most of it down okay. The only problem I'm having is making all of my pokemon seem legit. All of my pokemon are from Black Version, and I'm playing Black Version, so I just input where I would normally encounter then in game with the correct levels for the areas, etc. However, when I make a Braviary, I have to set the Origin to White since it can only be caught in white Version. So, I have to make it seem like I traded it. I set the ID and SID and OT stuff to numbers and a name that didn't match mine, and I read in a post here on these forums that you just leave the encounter and location thing blank because "there is no set encounter for traded pokemon." And when I load the game, it says I "Apparently met" my Braviary at "-----------." Which, of course, is fake. So, my question is, how do I set up the location and encounter boxes to make it look like I obtained it through a legit trade after a trainer actually caught it in a White Version? Thanks in advance. EDIT: Also, I left the PID box blank on all the pokemon since they are all GEN 5 and I read that you were supposed to leave them blank for GEN 5. However, when I tried using them with the legal checker program that opens in CMD, it crashes it. Am I supposed to fill in the PID box for fifth gen? And if so, which letter method do I use (the pokegen says that the first one, A-B-C-D, is used for fourth gen pokemon)?
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