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Everything posted by Tux

  1. Sorry, I forgot to add that the question was about Gen V Pokémon data algorithms ...
  2. Hi, I'm currently developing a software which reads Pokémon save file data. Also, I have a few questions : How does work the small/big blocks mechanics in a 256-kilobytes file ? How does work the save file data in Generation III ? Is the block footer structure the same beetween D/P/Pl/HG/SS/B/W ? Where are located the ID, sID, 'Number of Party Pokémon', the Party Pokémon data, the PC Pokémon data in B/W? Same question for Generation III save file data. Is something new about these save file informations beetween B/W and HG/SS ? Is it the same blocks mechanics between B/W and HG/SS ? What are the blocks limits offsets in B/W ? Tux.
  3. Hi, I'm currently developing a software which reads, decrypts, and analizes Pokémon data. Also, I have a question : Are the Pokemon encryption/PRNG, shuffle, blocks, algorithms the same ? Tux.
  4. Tux


    Hi, I'm Tux. I am French, so I don't speak English very well. I like the Pokémon games series. I am also very interested in development. I hope I can be useful, and I hope I could help some people here. Bye, Tux.
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