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Everything posted by Astro86

  1. Let's fix this? it also does with Pokémon without sex
  2. I have a problem how can I do? use shiny2 system
  3. Hello, I can check if the GTS I work? thank you very much DNS: PoKèmon List #304 Aron ♀ (level 1) OT: Asto ♂ (White, 5393/24478) Adamant - Sturdy - 31/31/31/31/31/31 - Untrained Tackle - Dragon Rush - *** - *** #149 Dragonite ♂ (level 100) OT: Asto ♂ (White, 5393/24478) Adamant - Multiscale - 31/31/31/31/31/31 - 204 HP/252 Att/52 Spd Dragon Claw - ExtremeSpeed - Fire Punch - Protect #395 Empoleon ♀ (level 50) OT: Asto ♂ (White, 5393/24478) Jolly - Torrent - 25/31/25/31/25/31 - 118 Att Flash Cannon - Earthquake - Whirlpool - Blizzard #158 Totodile ♂ (level 1) OT: Asto ♂ (White, 5393/24478) Adamant - Torrent - 25/30/25/26/30/23 - Untrained Scratch - Leer - *** - *** #172 Pichu ♀ (level 1) OT: Asto ♂ (White, 5393/24478) Naive - Static - 30/31/25/31/22/23 - Untrained Charm - ThunderPunch - *** - ***
  4. enough for me to remain legit ... is legit?
  5. I took a Pokémon with the GTS, it gave me a ribbon, I loaded the Pokémon just got this and the result Pokémon has an event ribbon but Does not match any event. I insert both Pokémon to verify original: http://www.pokecheck.org/?p=detail&uid=1685481 With ribbon: http://www.pokecheck.org/?p=detail&uid=1685630
  6. Hello, I will create a GTS for my website. and this possible?
  7. Vorrei creare un sistema GTS come questo http://kraid.zebes.info:8080/ come posso fare? _________ Translated with google: I would like to create a system like this GTS http://kraid.zebes.info:8080/ how can I do? ________
  8. I speak my own language, English is not know (I use the google translator so you can answer in English) ____ Vorrei creare un sistema GTS come questo http://kraid.zebes.info:8080/ come posso fare?
  9. Hello, I have a GTS in my web space http://pokemonactiongdr.it/gts/ but in addition to not understanding how it works, I would do something so http://kraid.zebes.info:8080/ that you choose your Pokemon, you connect to the gts and you get the pokemon. How can I do?
  10. It should not be .. The Pokémon can not receive them as the option to receive only. I can only send but not receive Pokémon how can I fix this?
  11. It should not be .. The Pokémon can not also receive the option to receive only
  12. Hello, I begin to have 100 Pokemon and go and look for those who serve is difficult. For this reason I wanted to make a script to insert it into my web space to give the opportunity to make a choice with a drop-down menu. can you do? how can you? I can not do it Thanks for any help
  13. hello, some of my users who use the GTS, because complain Shiny GTS, does not work with the Vodafone Station .. how can I fix this? thank you very much
  14. Hello, but I can use to send the Pokémon GTS, and the DTS to receive them? If you like? I can only send and not receive While I know people who receive and send
  15. The Pokemon is legit, in the OT tells you that the characters are not Latin. Same thing with the Nickname.
  16. has a problem ... when I send it to the GTS, it gives me a ribbon with this ribbon does not make me transfer more
  17. I can not get from Shiny GTS. in what wrong? thanks
  18. I was able to start ... believe but I can not send files to the same
  19. same for me I can not .. the doors are open .. I have done everything but does not give me the DNS to use .. What's wrong?
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