So it's basically racquet ball. As is what I play here. Looks exactly the same.
I've always wanted to get into that kind of stuff but I have back problems which makes that kind of stuff really hard for me. I'm not as flexible as I should be and I stretch and do yoga everyday.
I know Exactly what you are talking about. I'm kinda the same way. ^^
Is it possible to add a shoutbox? This way we can communicate with people directly. It would be a much faster and more effective way of communication. We could have questions answered right away instead of waiting for a reply.
I am just curious what you guys do outside of pokemon. What kinds of things do you do? What would you like to get into? Any and every hobby.
My hobby is something called penspinning. Most if not all of you have never heard of such a thing. It is basically taking different pens and piecing them together to make one spinning pen. Combining various tricks and techniques to create something wonderful.
This is one of my pens:
If you want to actually see the spinning in action my YouTube channel is right here:
Now I ask...
What are your hobbies?
Granted but it was so sunny that you went blind, walked into the street and got run over by a semi.
I wish it would rain for specifically four hours each and every day between six and ten pm.