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About Kakashi151

  • Birthday 01/26/1995
  1. Hello! I'm a user of PokeGen, and will be happy to make codes for any Pokemon you may want! Feel free to ask me! I can make codes for Generation Four and Five. (Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver, Black, and White) Please, if you are considering asking me for a code, follow this format: Game: Pokemon Name: Pokemon Nickname: OT: ID : Secret ID: Level: Nature: Ball Caught in: Ability: Trainer Gender: Pokemon Gender: Item: IV's: EV's: Attack 1: PP: Attack 2: PP: Attack 3: PP: Attack 4: PP: Met at Level: Where Met: Pokerus: Cured: Shiny: Friendship: Date Met at: Hatched at: Ribbons: Contest Ribbons: Contest Stats: Comes as an Egg: I look forward to making codes for you! *I DO NOT OWN POKEGEN. I SIMPLY USE THE PROGRAM TO ENHANCE GAMEPLAY. *ALSO, I ONLY MAKE CODES. I DO NOT TRADE POKEMON TO PEOPLE. IF YOU NEED A POKEMON TRADED TO YOU, PLEASE LOCATE THE PROPER THREAD.
  2. A shiny one would be awesome! Thanks! :bidoof:
  3. Could anyone possibly provide me with a Lugia?
  4. No problem. I'll respond with messages now..
  5. There is no positive indication as to whether the Pokemon is hacked. The only thing is the pokerus; which is something you don't need a hack to achieve. Looks good to me.
  6. andrewdowdy24, do you want a specific pokemon? Any specific move? I'll gladly trade you.
  7. Thanks, lady ashe, Naruto is pretty amazing. Wraith89, Thanks for the welcome!
  8. I like my Mew, Celebi, and Darkrai to follow me around! They rock!
  9. I'll trade you! I have HG.. FC is: 2193-8123-3179 Name: Kevin Look forward to hearing from you! You can either PM me, or just reply to this post; whichever you prefer. (Note: I have no intention of stealing your pokemon, I know how much they mean to me, so I wouldn't steal from you.)
  10. I'm just someone who's in love with Pokemon, and Naruto! I use Pokesav, and am learning to use Pokegen; so please request me for a code! Also, I'm an ametuer battler, so please request for a battle. Have a great day! :cool:
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