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Posts posted by MarinoKadame

  1. I just hope you fix those black outfits. Don't make them pure black it don't looks good. You should do like this: Spr_HGSS_Rocket_Grunt_F.png

    Black outline but lighter black so you can see more stuff and to not make it look like a huge black blob thing.

    Here an example: blackgi.png Would need a little rework on it but it look a bit better than only black.

  2. You can always add NPC that can give you all the starters, like yellow version. You just need to make some custom quest so it's not that easy to get them. Maybe having old trainers giving them, like getting the 2 other gen 5 pokemon beside yours from Black and White trainers. While others can be, Red, Blue and Green for the first gen. Gold, Silver and Crystal for second. Ruby(Brendan), Sapphire(May) and Emerald. Gen 4 would be Pearl(Barry), Diamond(Lucas) and Platinum(Dawn).

  3. You Can Use My Narc Stats Editor To Do This Yourself It Works With All Roms Esp. BBVW2 I Updated Mainly To Be Used With Dray's B&W 2 Mod. Also I Agree With Charizard Being Dragon/fire But The Reason He/she Isnt Is Because He/she Would Break The Starter Chain/Triangle. Because Dragon Has Resistance To Both Water And Grass Thus Making him/her The Alpha Starter Lmao

    You Can Do This Yourself By Using Both My Narc Stats Editor And Evolution Editor

    I Disagree With Shuppet and Bannete Being Part Normal Because A Doll Is A Toy Which Means Its Not Alive And Gengar Would Be Pissed If He Can't Hit A Damn Doll Lmfao

    Saying That Though A Ghost Normal Type Would Be Amazing Combination Though ( A Ghost That Cant Be Hit By Other Ghosts)

    Also I Personally Think That Haunter And Gengar Should Definitely Be Dark/Ghost

    Haunter = Poltergeist - Poltergeist = Evil Ghost - Evil = Dark

    Gengar = Sarcastic Evil Ghost - Sarcastic Evil = Dark

    The leer that floats in darkness belongs to a Gengar delighting in casting curses on people. <-- Definitely Dark Typing To Me Lmao

    Just Looking At Em As Well You Can Clearly See They Should Be Part Dark Type - Especially Haunter

    With That Said Im Not trying To Advertise My Tools. But To Help People Out With Thier Problems/ Disagreements With The Mod Or Ideas.

    Anywho With That Said. Again Loving The Mod Drayano. But To Make It Even Harder I Decided To Give Elesa Thundurus, Clay - Landorus, And Skyla Tornadus. Which Makes The Game Alot Harder ^_^ But Even More Enjoyable at The Same Time Since It Gives You A Sense of Accomplishment

    If You Manage To Beat Em ;). So Really Dray Thiers Something You Chould Do In The Next Update Of Ur Mod. If any ^_^

    But what could define a normal pokemon ? By looking at normal pokemons most of them are based from real life pets, like Meowth and other cats, Snubbul and other dogs, Pidgey just seem some common birds, Rattata for the rat, etc. Some can be exception like Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Togepi ( Those could be dual type retyped to Normal/Psychic maybe), castform, ditto, kecleon and porygon are mostly morphing pokemons ( Ditto to copy pokemon, Castform for meteo, Kecleon change of type with the attack he receive, Porygon for taking other pokemons abilities. So which pokemon already in game could get a Normal/Ghost retype ?

  4. Changing the "type chart" of Gen 5 is still on top of my wish list, but the data doesn't seem to be stored in the same form as it used to be up 'til now. I haven't been able to find out how to change effectiveness. If I were able to change the balance of Pokemon types, then of course other types of changes could be minimal and you would still end up with a more balanced game. Unfortunately, since it seems like I cannot do what I want in this area, larger changes elsewhere are necessary to make Pokemon like Kingler or Manectric remotely useful, for instance. Some Pokemon, like Wailord, Tropius, Garbodore and Weezing will never be worth anything compared to Scizor, Tyranitar, Conkeldurr or Gengar... without stat increases. And some stat increases just make sense. I mean, how is it that a giant whale body slamming you hurts far less than a small, flaming ape tackling you?

    Editing the effects of abilities is beyond my level of skill. I've never even heard of anyone doing that beyond Gen 3. I try to remain realistic in my goals, since this is a project I want to actually complete someday... besides, the selection of good abilities is WAAAAAAAAY better than Gen 4 now. Not really necessary.

    I'm not sure if the habitat data will automatically update itself if the encounter tables are edited or not, but I do know that ever since HGSS, the Pokedex has not been able to be edited to remain 100% accurate when you change what Pokemon appears where.

    All the rest of your ideas seem very doable, though :)

    Haha, though I think that I kind of already hold the title of Director, here. And Producer. And all the titles, really, since no one else is working on this at the moment. I do value ideas, brainstorming, and suggestions, however! Pokemon is a game of possibilities... far too many for one man to come up with them all.

    Problem with Kingler. Manectric. Wailord, Tropius, Garbodore and Weezing they are mostly first evo pokemon and tropius is base, while Scizor, Tyranitar, Conkeldurr or Gengar are mostly second evo with the exception of Scizor ( but he evolve with an item so he's mostly more powerful ), some pokemons never got a second evolution and that's why most of time they are weaker because they don't have the stats of a second evo, some would need retype or even a double type instead of a pure type.

    Right now the evolution are mostly Baby > Base > First Evo > Second Evo, most pokemon are Base and don't have a baby form and those having a Baby form don't have a Second Evo. Some pokemons are almost never used since they are Pure type most of time or are only Base with no evo. Some pokemons seem to have been here just to be a joke like Unown who is mostly useless with only Hidden Power. Dunsparce need some love too and most pure normal pokemons aren't that great.

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