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Everything posted by SolitareDeluxe

  1. OKAY so who wants to help me with my hypno. For some reason there's always this one poke that does not work for me. I know it's legit but it won't work. Idk the problem because my muk doesn't even have a hatch location and it works online lol.
  2. oh not yet. I'm working on some more pokes at the moment and i didn't get the chance. I'm pretty sure that's the problem. I'll let you know thanks to you both.
  3. thats what i use. Then i load my .sav file in pokesav and load the pkmn files and hit save.
  4. I put the trainer info later on in pokesav when i load them in my boxes. Thanks btw. I got vaporeon working and i think breloom was actually working all along. Shiftry, starmie, and ludicolo are still not working so if anyone can help thank you.
  5. I don't understand what's going on and i'm confused <.<...I hit another bump in the road after making three legal teams but these new additions are denied... It might be origin, place met, abilities, or moveset. Any help or tips are appreciated.
  6. Thank you. I learned a lot from these. How did you do it?
  7. Okay thanks for the tip. I'll report back. Edit: Toxic croak still doesn't work but exacdrill and ferrothorn do! Thanks.
  8. I seriously can not figure out how to get these pokemon to work on random wifi. I've had this problem before but with some random tweaking in pokegen and pokesav, i got them to work. For some reason, this isn't working for these pokemon. I don't know what's the problem. I know i just joined but i seriously need some help and i tried following the guides on here (Thank you btw)
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