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About jt077

  • Birthday 02/11/1989
  1. Thanks for the response, and if you read my un-edited post I apologize lol. I've already read the guide numerous times (as stated in my previous post) and used it to double-check myself just as many times (trust me, I wouldn't be posting if I wasn't fed up with trying to fix it myself, lol). Given this, I'm very lost as to what's causing wi-fi to reject these pokemon... so if anyone else could throw some input in here that'd be great. Thanks again
  2. I'm a total noob to pokegen, but I thought it seemed pretty simple after reading the guide over a few times. I just can't figure out what's wrong with these.. keep getting rejected and I've remade them countless times.. Can someone please check them out and see if they can tell me what I can do to fix them? Thanks!
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