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Posts posted by geoalpha

  1. I've noticed that if you try to make a lone NPC fight a double battle against you, they'll lose all of their dialogue and/or simply not fight you - could this be related to the trainer's "Unknown" value?

    Not completely true; I'm working on a hack and I've been documenting all the changes and discoveries I'm making. What you described only happens when a trainer class is not compatable with a battle type, e.g. Lass with Double Battle. Some trainers work completely fine with Double Battles. The 1st gym leader (trio), for instance, can work properly with Double Battles.

  2. So bits 3 and 4 help define nature... but there's only 4 possible combos with just them! Must be more to it, gonna try to make this work... 7 and 8 probably help as well.

    0 = Hardy

    1 = Lonely

    2 = Brave

    3 = Adamant

    4 = Naughty

    5 = Bold

    6 = Docile -- 00110

    7 = Relaxed

    8 = Impish

    9 = Lax

    10 = Timid -- 01010

    11 = Hasty

    12 = Serious

    13 = Jolly

    14 = Naive

    15 = Modest

    16 = Mild

    17 = Quiet

    18 = Bashful

    19 = Rash

    20 = Calm

    21 = Gentle

    22 = Sassy

    23 = Careful

    24 = Quirky

    What I'm thinking:

    62*25 = 1550 = [0011000001110]

    0011000001110 >> (8 bits) = 00110 = 6 (Docile).

    This is a calc used in this gen's RNG for a wild Pokemon's nature. It returns a 0-24 value (nature!)

    Might be the calc?

    Yes, you're totally right. But the real question is, how do we control that? Or rather, how do we manipulate it to get what we want?

  3. Yeah, it definitely controls IVs. Looks like it can't define each one individually. (You'd need 5 bits per IV lol, which is 30 and we have 8!)

    255 = 31/31/31/31/31/31 -- 1[u]11111[/u]11
    250 = 30/30/30/30/30/30 -- 1[u]11110[/u]10
     0 =  0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 -- 0[u]00000[/u]00 -- Assuming this is the case.
    5 bits for IVs (76543)
    31 -- 11111
    30 -- 11110
    0 -- 00000

    Just trying to do some pattern recognition!

    Also, setting it to 255 makes all IV's 31. (Just tested)

    On the middle values, you might have it misplaced. I did difficulty value 151, which gave me 18 IV's. So, 151 is 1001011. 18 is 10010. It would appear that the IV number is only the first five.

    OH YEAH!!! Also changed the unknown value to 62, which is 111110. It correctly gave me the dream world ability, and also changed the gender to female (originally male). AND it changed the nature to Docile when it was originally Timid.

  4. 250 is really close to 255 (FF, screaming bitflags again!), if someone can catch the trainer's mons and report the IVs (if they stick).

    250 = 11111010

    Uppermost bits might be the IV max/min toggle, HP/A/D/SA/SD/Sp. Sp being untoggled, zero! No clue what those lowest 2 are for (smarts?) Just theorizing.

    Just tested. Set a Whirlipede to 250 difficulty and has 30 in all IV's.

  5. 1,2,5,6 bits explained. I haven't fiddled with this thing at all (just observing from afar) -- So I ask you all this:

    Would IVs and EVs be set by these different bits? Max or Zero, or Max, 20, 0 or random??

    Not sure about EV's, but IV's are definitely set by the "Difficulty" value IIRC.

    Also, I'm pretty sure that if the ability bit is set to 00, it will always be ability 1. I can't say the same for the gender though.

  6. I was literally just about to say this myself after doing a bit of testing for the last half an hour~! I can confirm that's true. In addition, 87 (a random value I tried) seems to make the Pokemon female with ability one, but no trainers use that by default.

    To top it off, 48 is the magic number for Dream World abilities. ^.^

  7. As for the B/W Trainer Editor, I can only say that Kazowar deserves a spot in MIT's code-writing department. My one qualm with it is the lack of gender determination - Drayden does use an all-guy team while Iris uses gals, after all. It'd also be nice to control pokemon abilities, but hey - I'm thankful for what I can get. I wonder if the "unknown" variable in the BWTE has something to do with it

    The unknown does; experiment a little to see what you come up with ;D

  8. I can't even open up the program to edit any trainers, and where it says to open up the data you can only choose folders not the rom itself.

    That's not how the editor works. You need to extract 2 narc files from the rom (a/0/9/2 and a/0/9/3). Then you must extract the files within those narc files into 2 folders i.e. one folder for the 2 narc and one folder for the 3 narc. The 2 narc is the trdata and the 3 narc is the trpoke. At this point, you can start editing. Once you've finished, do the steps in reverse; compress the folders into their respective narc files, and reinsert the narcs into the rom.

    Also, there is clearly a link in the very first post to a video that can guide you through this.

  9. Love the editor ^.^

    I was needing an extensive list, so I decided to make one to help myself and anyone who needs such a list. Here is a spreadsheet with all the trainers with their names and locations matched up to their id's.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, I couldn't pinpoint the exact id for the grunts in the Dreamyard, so if anyone wants to clear that up, please do. I don't think there are any other problems with the list, but if there is, tell me :P

    EDIT2: Fixed the Dreamyard grunt. Again, tell me if anything's wrong in the list.

    List ID.rar

    List ID.rar

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