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About JPG816

  • Birthday 07/06/1987
  1. Wow, I didn't think they made the legality checker on the server so advanced. Thanks, I guess I didn't give Nintendo enough credit. >.>
  2. Apologies if I caused any unnecessary grief, but upon further research, any chance these Pokemon could work over wifi trading/battling that's not random? x.x
  3. Can anybody check the first 4 Pokemon in my party to see if they're the problem? Yes, I know, three starters + Excadrill, but still, I've double checked everything, and even deleted some pokes to be sure. I'm not willing to part with any of these so. Note, I read the rules, and didn't see anything about uploading sav files, but if this is against the rules, please let me know. ps-pokebu.sav
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