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Posts posted by Cephyros

  1. I haven't used my DS in years, I started using it again to play pokemon white. I thought about using my action replay and experienced the not a firmware file problem. I was planing on doing the solution mentioned earlier where I change the four letters of the firmware file but I realised that I have never updated the firmware since I got it and its v1.22. Will the solution work? or will I need to do the previous updates first?

    I personally would update tot he latest software on the manager first, i think the 2 people having the biggest problems hay have been slightly earlier than latest.

    in either case unless you have a flash cart or have the money to replace the cart (or get a flash cart) your taking a risk no matter what you do make sure al the codes you want are in it before you flash.

  2. I dug around a little more and found this page:


    I has the link for the 1.60 bin above, as well as 1.54 and even a 2.00 link that gives a 404.

    I just wish I had read things a liiiiittle more carefully yesterday. (you'd think the big red text would have been enough.) I'm stuck on 1.71 now and unable to input any more codes. I've contacted Datel about this and have not heard back yet.

    I'm not expecting any response from them other than "lol, buy a new ARDSi" though.

    Just to clarify, I have the v2 pass-through cart. I was on 1.54 and did the FIRM edit on the 1.71 bin. If only I had waited until I found the 1.60 I might not be in this situation.

    Cephyros, do you have any insight on how difficult it would be to write a custom app to brute-force downgrade the firmware on the v2 cart? I've tried to look into this, but my skills are not honed to this particular kind of thing.

    2.0 link is interesting. that 1.6 would put you in the same boat, its designed for the same hardware as the 1.71, you may be able to force a downgrade if you can figure out the pinout and data specs of the NDSAR chip. The best way is the flashcart downgrade method i posted on the same directional post as the upgrade method. unless you mean a bruteforce on the cart via USB, this is not possible due to the fact that the new software doesnt recognize the older USB chip(i assume, i havent access to a newer version2 cart to crack open and compare) but in any case without USB communication its similar to building a brick wall between the chip and the driver.

  3. I was able to find this file on the codejunkies site. It appears to be the .bin file for the 1.60 firmware.


    Hopefully it will help someone out when upgrading to 1.71. I am unable to test it at this time.

    Thats an ARv2 firmware so it will need the same edits, and probably have the same flaws, but THANK YOU, i was looking all over for that, now does anyone have any other firmware versions for the arv1 cart aside fromt he software update ones?

    thanks Cephyros ^_^

    Your welcome

  4. a gen 1 is the ards that you need to take out and put the game in, the gen 2 lets the game plug into the back of the ar.

    How handy are you guys with soldering, i can crack mine open adn see what it woudl take for a manual reflash if that would help anyone.

    Well, that idea is a bust. Its got a standard flash chip(SST 39VF080) that contains the codes, a standard USB driver chip (Cypress CY7C63743) and a specialized datel chip(Datel NDSAR) of which there are no datasheets.

  5. I have an action replay ds that i got to work with pokemon black and pokemon white on the first day i got the games because i got my ar ds upgraded to a 1.71 firmware. but there are some things u all should know about when using the shiny pokemon cheat code that is available in the updated codejunkies list and using the wild pokemon modifier cheat code that is included in the list . wild pokemod do not breed them. and shiny pokemon do not battle zoroark when the shiny cheat is on because it will freeze the game until u reset it of turn off and turn on. and if u do breed the pokemon from pokemon mod the pokemon in the daycare will transform into a bad egg and coruppt the game or the game freezes i don't know it is one of those 2 .

    Thank you for the warnings.

  6. I believe it was 1.52. I can't recall if it was 1.52 or 1.54, I think it was 52 though.

    I just gave that a shot, and it didn't work. The DS didn't freeze like usual, everything stayed up, and it let me select the codes I want, but when I hit start it brought me back to the homescreen with the "Insert Action Replay" message again. Just for the hell of it, I tried booting up Pokemon Diamond with the AR the regular way. AR in the slot, Diamond in the AR, select the codes, and press start. But the same thing happened with the"Insert Action Replay" message.

    do you have a flash cart? something maybe went wrong in the update, could you have accidentally changed another byte? i dont know, I recommend reverting and trying again.

  7. You mean after I select what codes I want and press start and go back to the home/start screen then? Nope, it doesn't work. Every time I hit start after that, it just reloads the homescreen with the "Insert Action Replay" message. However, if I start the AR up, and just press 'Start' and don't select any codes, the game starts up just fine. I'm not sure what you mean by passthrough cart. x.x I *Think* I have an idea of what you mean though. This is the AR that you plug you're games into. You put the AR into the DS, and then the game into the AR. Its not like the old gameboy/PS2 AR's where you put it in, select your codes, take it out, then put the game in.

    First time ive seen this come up, what version was your AR prior to flash?

    See if it works like an original generation 1 action replay, take the cart out and put the game in then select the codes and boot the came with the AR completely removed from the slot.

  8. Cephyros, I'm having a problem slightly similar to SQRL. Before I tried your method to fix the issue with the AR not working, I uploaded Pokemon White to my ARDS so I wouldn't have to manually put in any codes. I then did as you said and managed to update my AR from 1.52 to 1.71. The thing is, after I select the codes I want for Pokemon White, and hit "Start" on the touch screen, I just go to the ARDS home screen and where it usually says "Insert Game Cart" (If you don't have a game in the AR) it says "Insert Action Replay" Over and over again, and won't start the game.

    Whats really odd, is that when I start the AR, and don't select any codes and just press the "start" button, it works fine. The game starts right up. But if I press the star in the lower left hand corner (So the AR brings me to the game I have inserted) and select any codes, even just one, it won't start. Is there a solution to this?

    this may sound like a dumb questions, but i always try for the simplest explination.

    after it brings you back to the start screen have you tried starting the game, or does it not let you at all? This sounds like it may be a new problem, this is a passthrough cart too?

  9. the DSIAR works the same as the DSAR. And the DSIAR is compatible with the DSi, DSiXL, DS lite, And regular ds consoles. it runs about $19.99US. Codejunkies.com have them for online order here(http://us.codejunkies.com/Products/DSi-Action-Replay__EF000789.aspx). but my local Gamestop has them for the same price -the shipping and handling

    "If you would like to upgrade to the DSi Action Replay, you may purchase a used DSi Action Replay for $9.99 + Shipping & Handling at http://www.datelgaming.com/DSi_Action_Replay_p/dus0162%20-%20used.htm. These Action Replays have been fully tested and come with a 30 day warranty. "

    This was in an e-mail from datel, its the cheapest way to upgrade ive seen unless shipping is more than 10 bucks(it may be, i havent ordered one)

    What kind of cart do you have SQRL? is it the type with the pass-through or is it the original swap carts to play?

  10. I'm interested in trying this even though i don't have a flash cart or second AR (I couldn't care less about typing codes in AR lol) but I have a few questions.

    1. By loss of USB, do you mean the computer's USB port won't work or only the AR Code Manager will stop working?

    2. Can you type new codes manually on the AR DS menu (not the Code Manager)?

    Thanks in advance. :)

    1 means there is no connectivity between the ARDS and and PC for firmware updating or code transfer

    2: Unfortunately it has been discovered that it does not alow code entry any longer it says Insert Action Replay.

    unless you know there will never be any more codes you want to enter, or you get a flash cart to revert it i dont recommend it.

    when you revert it it keeps all codes and you can add more then re-upgrade.

  11. @Cephyros: I'm pretty sure I'd done that before, but whatever, I tried again. To be specific, I used:

    -a Windows 7 PC

    -the 1.25 ARManager

    -followed all the instructions, in order from CodeJunkies

    -had no games in either slot

    -AND did a full reset on the ARDS right beforehand.

    Result: "Protocol Error", after that stupid pause after saying "yes" to write the firmware. GAH!


    I don't get it. I have an extreme knack for the worst luck with things like this, despite the fact that I work with gaming/electronics/programs/etc for fun a lot! It's only at the times where it begins to matter that it fails.

    Or how there is a super-tiny, barely noticable difference at the weirdest times in the wierdest places in the wierdest way.

    Ok, yeah, now I'm just whining. -_-; Who wouldn't be, after 4-5 MONTHS of this!?

    Do you think I should just give up? I'm out of ideas, except one: MAYBE, somehow, it's the connecting USB cable? Maybe I'll borrow my friend's sometime soon and try...

    If you can transfer codes its not the cable, i know i cant eveng et mine to connect in windows 7 i ahve to use windows XP.

    Thad being said have you tried to run action replay code manager in windows XP compatability mode? it might be a windows 7 problem?

  12. alright i just did it and it worked, so far as the codes i entered before all work in the AR, but it wont let me add any more codes, it keeps saying "insert action replay" whenever i finish entering a code for it to save.

    any ideas on how to fix this or is my ARDS completely shot now?

    Shoot, i can confirm this on mine...Im sorry i sent all my codes before i upgraded it and the entry form appeared to work untill now i never attempted to save the code.

    Do you know anybody with an NDS flash card or an action reply like your own?

  13. I am haveing the "Not a Firmware File problem. I Have the GEN.2 Cartridge. I emailed datel.com and they told me my cartridge was too an older style that isnt compatible, has anyone been able to get the update with the GEN. 2 cartridge??

    Yes, look about midway through the last page i put up directions on how to get it to update. However keep in mind that if you do update the USB will cease to function, everything else will be fine.

  14. @Shenronjoe: That's how you're supposed to do it. But that doesn't help non-ARDSi problems. Yay that you got yours updated!

    @Cephyros: No, it does recognize the firmware file. I works just fine until you tell it to write to the AR, then it pauses a while followed by the useless "Protocol Error" message, leaving the AR suspended mid-action. (turn off, turn on, works fine still, but not updated)

    Hm. Maybe I will try it. If it loses USB connecting, I may as well get an ARDSi anyway, since this one won't be as useful anymore. (ARDSi DOES work on previous DS systems as well, right? I've heard it does, but I just wanna double-check; paranoid, ya know? ^_^; )

    Do NOT Try it!. You do have a firmware 2 AR and is updatable!.

    Try removing anything in the GBA slot and any game attached to the action replay, boot the action replay as being the ONLY thing in the DS then flashing the firmware, Ive heard this solves the protocol problem.

    This method not only will not work for you but in all likelihood will cause the "not a firmware file" error when you do it.

  15. Everything i can find points to 1.6 being updatable and less than is a firmware version 1 type. If your getting the not a firmware file error on the 1.6 you can try this....it may work, you may even get the usb still working on it, however without a way to reverse it i wouldnt recommend trying it first. However if your going to get an ardsi in the end it might not hurt to try it, unless you had plans for it otherwise after you get the new one.

    if you want to get a flashcart you can get a dstti on foundmy.com for $15, they are a neat little all around toy to have. otherwise above was a link datel gave me for used ardsi's for $10 or just work with what you got!

  16. I don't think I ever did use a .bin to update it to 1.60; I think it had it when I got it? At the least, I don't recall doing the process... It's been about 4-6 years since I got it. (I don't even remember how long I've had it! T_T )

    The 1.71 update is the first time (that I remember) that I've tried to update my AR. I wish I could supply a useful other .bin to compare, but 1.71 from CodeJunkies is really the only one I've got, so you've already got it. Sorry...

    Hm... whenever I try a software update, it just seems to check for the ARManager. No .bin involved to spit out...

    So, with your method, if you were to have all the codes you would ever plan to use already on the ARDS, then used your update method, it would work and have access to those codes, with new ones having to be added manually? I just want to make sure I'm getting this right.

    Thats correct. however if your planning to do this i would wait in your case, it sounds like it would work however i have not been able to find a 1.6 firmware bin to verify it is indeed the same case as mine, all i can seem to find is 1.57 i know and the ar2m 1.71. Soon as i find a 1.6 to test i will let you know (and post it for whomever wants to update their firmware 1)

  17. Yay! Looks like this is FINALLY getting somewhere looking like a solution! >_<

    As to the Datel comment about the update... I dunno about the Gen1 ARDS, but mine is a Gen2 ARDS (based on the pictures linked) with Firmware 1.60, so according to that I shouldn't have any trouble updating. -_- Datel is really doing badly with their "customer support" with this. Especially when you consider the info we've gotten thanks to Cephyros.

    I wonder if it'd be possible to fix the USB library issue as well...?

    Do you still have the 1.6 update bin you used? I would like to take a look at it. If not can you run the software update and send me the bin it spits out?

    the USB lib wil likely not be fixed unless datel does something, either that or somone talented in ASM can decompile a firmware 1 bin and a firmware 2 bin then pick and chose the correct parts and get it to correctly compile again. Easier said than done.

    IMHO Datel needs to just get off their butts and stop jerking around their customer base.

  18. Wait, so you're saying that to restore the AR's firmware to be able to connect to the ARManager, you'd have to have a version of the ARDS that has an SD/MicroSD card slot? I couldn't do that, mine's just the basic ARDS...

    That, and I have no idea how I'd be able to check the AR's ROM, if you mean by connecting the ARDS to the PC via it's connection cable. The PC won't notice the device outside of the ARManager, let alone make it possible to access it to check for it's ROM... Or I'm just totally misunderstanding this, which is quite likely. -_-;

    Hmm... I'm starting to have no choice but to admit that getting an ARDSi is the best way to go after all. sigh... T_T

    not exactly that sd version wont help at all as the ards rom is a commercial rom and will not boot on the ar media version. you need a flash cart similar to the cyclods or m3real, maybe r4.

    OR an older version 1 action replay might work if you boot into it then switch out that action replay for the upgraded one and flash the firmware to that one, this is unconfirmed but theorized.

    I got a PM from somebody who e-mailed Datel, and this is what it says:

    Generation 1 cart: http://upload.pokefans.net/m25_4yf9jrc9k.jpg

    Generation 2 cart: http://upload.pokefans.net/m25_4yf7odegu.jpg

    In short, if you have a generation 1 cart, you can't upgrade it to 1.71. I have a gen 2 cart, as do a lot of you, I suspect, so I doubt this is the problem.

    EDIT: it transpires that alternatively, ARDSi works on the DS/DS Lite as well (I always thought it wouldn't)

    i emailed and got basically the same email with the added line

    "If you would like to upgrade to the DSi Action Replay, you may purchase a used DSi Action Replay for $9.99 + Shipping & Handling at www.datelgaming.com. These Action Replays have been fully tested and come with a 30 day warranty. "
    this may be an alternative to the less techie.

    I have a generation 2 cart with generation 1 original firmware, must have been a very early generation 2, experimenting and figuring out the above i was able to use 1.71 with the limitation stated. I replied to date in a less that positive way.

    I hate to break it to you but your firmware is about 90% compatible, the only difference is the usb library, and then the first 4 bytes in the header, i changed the AR2M to FIRM and it loaded and flashed without a hitch, My son is using it now to play pokemon white, the only issue is He's lost the ability for USB updates. Not all of us customers are dumb, and i have to say i am rather disheartened that you guys aren't willing to support your older firmware when all it would require different is a usb/transfer library change before a second compile.

    If the firmware were completely incompatible, like a complete hardware change, this E-Mail would have gone alot different, I do understand what a hassle it is to keep two completely different projects up to date..

    Thanks for giving something, then decided i bought it too long ago and restricting its usefulness, i wont be buying another.

    Looking forward to the reply.

    I suspect my instructions above work on a generation1 cart pictured above but i don't have one to try if somebody can confirm(someone who has the flash cart to revert if it doesn't) Let me know.

  19. @Cephyros: O_O I haven't tested what you've said, but that's mostly just because I don't want to lose the ability to use the AR Manager (since codes are often HUGE nowadays). Mainly, I have to admit I have no idea what the "dev cart" is that you mentioned, nor how I would use it... -_-;

    Can anyone else confirm this? Or mabe even have found a way to make the change without losing the connectivity?

    This could FINALLY be the answer we've all been looking for! >_<

    Dev carts are a tool that allow one to run homebrew or their own unsigned code on a nintendo DS.


    since this is a very grey area and i dont wish to break any rules so i will leave it at that.

    i should say that you might be able to reflash an ARDS using a second good ARDS using the same method from step 4, however i only have one ARDS and this is only a theory and untested.

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