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Posts posted by ThunderShock

  1. This new updated version really doesn't like filezilla or smallftp. It works with xlight FTP just fine along with my Apache setup. However with the previous programs during transfer there's an error now that says asked for 512 got 48kb. In my logs it seems that when smallftp and filezilla server send the first fragments of the file the program now thinks the rest of the file is missing. It was easily fixed by switching servers however. Feel free to use whatever you want of my writing by the way. I'm just happy there's a backup tool out there that doesn't require me ripping open my flashcard.

    Also, I REALLY like your new system of getting the file THEN writing it. It was really bad when the transfer corrupted and ruined the saves a few times. This is a nice safeguard for those weary of restoring saves with this program

    Hey ! I finaly found the solution for my problem ... it was not coming from your application, but from my FTP server.

    When I used Xlight FTP, it became working very well !

    Thanks for your wonderful software !!

  2. Hello, guys, and thanks for the help you provide us.

    I'm using a SuperCard DSTwo, and the Wifi version of this program. and the Homebrew is working just fine regards Backing up and deleting the savefile.

    But When it comes to restore, first, I don't see anything on the screen which is down except " Please select a .sav file (A) ... etc "

    So, the screen is black and when I press A and then change the card, I can see :

    Reading file :

    / ;

    And I get this error on my FTP program :

    [13:53:29] - [4] ANONYMOUS : Current Directory : C:\...\Saves\

    [13:53:31] - [4] ANONYMOUS : Start Download of C:\...\Saves\;

    [13:53:31] - [4] ANONYMOUS : Download Fail of C:\...\Saves\; (3,26 K/S - 27 852 972 bytes)

    Help, please, I really need to put back this savefile on my cartridge...

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