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Posts posted by pepperr

  1. Stats aren't only recalculated when leveling up; Gen V has much more sanity checking and is why you don't get the absurd +XX to a stat when EV training (like in gen 3/4).

    Not uploading any "proof" that you are breaking the "510 limit" (or anything else) makes me skeptical of your claims.

    Hi Kaphotics,

    Can you Explain to me what you mean?

    If I interpret correctly, here's my response to your statement:

    I sent a Zekrom & Terrakion with Careful nature to my DS with the stats in screenshot from Clip1. Upon battling something that gave me EVs in ATK,HP & SpATK, all the stats instantly changed to those in Clip 2. Despite having 0 EVs at the start, the EVs automatically changed to 252. When Cheronprince told me of his theory, I simply backed off the EVs and used the 508 limit, because I was tired of having their ATK stats maxing out when I didnt' want them to(I wanted to make the game more difficult by having them do a lot less damage, but also take less.).





  2. Interesting...I was constantly troubleshooting as to why I was gaining EVs, when I shouldn't have been like you said. Do you know of any way to get around the 510 limit? Im playing with intentionally bulky pokemon to make the game more difficult, but this phenomenon is frustrating me. I don't want Zekrom, Terrakion, and Volcarona to have max attack/sp atk stats, and I don't want Suicune and Lugia to max out their HP EVs.

  3. Hi all,

    I searched quite a bit on this but was unable to find any answers.

    I'm playing through White 2 and used PokeGen pokemon for fun. I gave Lugia and Suicune 252 EVs in HP, SPD, and SpATK. I recently noticed that after any battle, the stats that have no EVs changes to 252 EVs if battling a pokemon that yields EVs in that particular stat-with-no-EVs. I've never had this happen in GenIV, only GenV. This also happened with Zekrom: I was facing a trainer in drayden's gym, and simply earning 2 ATK ev's made my Zekrom, who had NO EVs in attack, max out his ATK EVs and thus his ATK stat. He had 252 EVs in Def, Speed, and SpD. What's the deal? Does anyone know what's going on?

  4. Hi,

    can anyone help me with these? I spent about half an hour on these and would like any of the contributors to test if these are legal in White. I can edit so please tell me exactly what I need to do if they are not legal. The Mence was actually obtained from an egg I hatched in Diamond.

    So today I tried battling singles with 1 pokemon each, and Infernape + Pory 2 passed the GTS vid test. Garchomp didn't because he has Rough Skin(But my Infernape has Iron Fist so what's the deal? I didn't even know about the trash bytes part) Will update with more.

    Update: Only Garchomp with Rough Skin and Jirachi are having trouble now.













  5. Ah, thank you very much for that clarification. I read it on Bulba but I didn't understand it. One thing I think should be fixed is the inability to send Illegitimate pokemon back to the game. I tried sending a maxed out Zekrom back to my computer but it won't take(I know I could send a new one but I erased the file of the original Zekrom that I sent to my PC).

  6. Turn off your Windows firewall(Control Panel ->Windows FW). I had the same problem. No need to uninstall Antivirus software. Sit within good range of the router, sometimes it gets dropped(and the computer too).

  7. HI y'all,

    I tried searching the forums previously so I tried to prevent clutter on this forum.

    I am playing Diamond and have the appropriate PokeSav version.

    I successfully perform all of the required steps up until connecting to the GTS. Here's the rundown:

    1)Dragged & dropped my Azelf PKM file onto sendpkm.

    2)Command line ensued and outputted IP.

    3)Entered above IP into primary DNS slot, after marrking "no" for Auto-Obtain DNS in DS Wifi Settings.

    4)Booted my save file and talked to lady at GTS in Jubilife.

    5)Successfully connected to NWi-Fi and enter GTS room

    6)"Checking status of GTS..." Oh no.

    Here's my problem: "A communication error has occurred. You will be returned to the title screen."

    I'm sure many of you have seen this before. I don't get any network errors so I'm assuming all is well in that regard.

    I turned off my Symantec Endpoint, Windows Firewall, and Router Firewall(Well, I just allowed all apps and traffic for my DS).

    What can I do to allow me to receive my Pokes? They're completely legit, too. Random IV's and legitimate move sets; it's getting aggravating. Help is much appreciated.

    ***I even uninstalled my Antivirus and still no go. I have verified that I CAN receive pokes; I found an IP of a youtube tutorial that gave an IP that allowed me to receive Ubers(not taht I care for them). When I reverted to the IP that IR-GTS and sendpkm gave me, I got the blue screen that I should receive after the trade BEFORE, again! Why does the IP provided by IR-GTS not function properly? It was so nice to see the pokes coming, but I have no use for the Uber Pokes I received. I went as far as making my own DNS Server( found steps here:



    In IR-GTS CMD, I get to "Connection Established", but at that point, the blue screen interrupts and I don't see any more command lines appear.

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