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Posts posted by ryoverde

  1. 20 hours ago, Night Light said:

    1. You only need to download Checkpoint.nro.

    2. Copy to SD card, preferably to switch folder.

    3. It should create a folder once you start using it.

    4. Any Switch game cartridge or digital, store saves on the console. This is why you can use the same software on different accounts with different saves.


    Hope it helps.


    Hi, Night Light.  Thanks for the help.  I only have a Nintendo folder, though, not a Switch folder, so I'm dumping it there.  After convincing Win10 NOT to scan/repair the card 1st (sigh) -- I had wondered why a (mere) 200 GB sandisk flash card was taking, oh, an hour and more, to load.  Crossing fingers!  Did I say Thank you?  Thank you again.

    Oops, spoke too soon.  Checkpoint is not showing up?  And, if I rename my Nintendo folder to Switch, the Switch simply ignores the Switch folder, creates a new Nintendo folder, populates it with the same folders it had previously, and wants to start downloading data to it....



  2. Hi!  I am a dummy, I think -- this is my 1st time trying to do a save file.  Nintendo Switch .  The tutorial is fine, but I need some additional info.  For example:

    * when downloading Checkpoint from Github, which file(s) do I need for the Switch?

    * when putting Checkpoint onto my SD card for the Switch,

        *** which file(s) do I copy over?

        *** Do they need their own directory? does it need to be called something, like, Checkpoint?

       *** Is there anything special I need to worry about if I have my Sw game on cartridge vs DL file?


    Thanks.  Sorry for such basic questions....

    • Not the Pokemon Company.  I could have been dyslexic and it could have been the Pokemon Project team -- but since that's who was emailing me at that point...  No, I can't find the bloody email; my free Yahoo email account seems very adept at the search function only working when desired and/or important emails I want to see disappearing.  Perhaps it was a conversation via (through) the Nintendo Support team, who *did* talk to me on the phone and via Skype, several times, and even chatted with the Pokemon technical team whilst on the phone with me, and read me the chats....  Sorry I haven't better documentation...
  3. So, the question was, how did Project Pokemon enter the conversation (email train, etc) ? 

    I was told that the invalid mon was in one of my HOME boxes. "probably a Legendary  Pokemon".  I inquired if there was a way to check the validity of my Pokemon, other than simply staring at them and/or guessing,  I was told, no, there was not a way to do such a check,  Then, I asked, if there is no criteria to determine validity and/or check validity, how is a Pokemon determined invalid?  I was told that validity was checked (but not HOW) IAW criteria laid out by Project Pokemon.   End conversation on that stonewall.


    I didn't mention the Project -- honestly, I'd forgotten that the Project existed, and it's been years since I logged on (recovering my PW was interesting, I'd forgotten I had an ID even).


    I am a little ticked off at them -- okay, more than a little.  All the emails sent back and forth, every single one, I encouraged a phone call -- even included good times to call from Tokyo to San Antonio (me), but of course, they kept to the email thing, wherein I'd reply, then it would be 4 days at least before they'd reply back, etc.  VERY frustrated, I was.  So I literally went through not only my Legendaries but all my Pokemon, and if I couldn't read the Nickname/OT name (Japanese/Chinese/Korean/other-non-Arabic script) or I didn't recognize it as one of my own old OT names, or, it was a shiny, or, even had decent stats, I released them.  Over a hundred perfectly good Pokemon.... I probably released several Event Pokemon too.  Sigh....


    Did I thank you all for your help????  Thank you.  And, I'm sorry I let my frustration into my 1st post -- I'm very VERY sorry about that.

  4. Yup, I think you're right, that Pokemon tech support didn't know diddly about squat.  I must've gone through every Pokemon in HOME 3 times.... and it wasn't HOME with the "issue" at all.  As for the Save files, it was still trying to access the same save file of Sword, just trying to access it from different HOME profiles...


  5. Yeah, the HOME profiles, either, couldn't get to the other profile of SW, either way.  That was one of Pokemon Tech Support's solutions, and supposedly confirmed a HOME issue, not a SW issue.  Go figure. 

    However, putting missingno into the Breeder did get HOME access -- both Profiles. 

    Now, both profiles of HOME and SW can access each other.

    Originally -- someone asked -- I lost access to HOME about June 5th, called Nintendo on June 6th, and so forth.   Got missingno via Max Raid event on May 22nd -- no idea the delay reason/loss of linkage.  Then again, I honestly don't remember if I tried to access HOME between the 22nd and the 5th.


    Thank you all -- owe you a beer I probably can't ever buy you....

  6. Okay, so, I  did do a raid for Berries....  but that was ... I better check the dates.  Sigh. I  want a Berry field,  random picking is too random.  So, I  got berries & one of those pokeball pokemon.  Would it help to Delete it?  I'm on mobile, can't see dates here, but I guess that's a high probability...   Greed kills, I guess. 

  7. No, not banned. No, no backups... but at 1 point, I would delete a Pokemon,  restart, try to link to Sw, rinse n repeat.  I have yanked all foreign named, odd named, mon ( like, OT GF, etx), oh & OT non-Eng (in case of untranslated expletives) & now am at a loss. I can access w a new profile HOME & to a new Sw game ...



    Oh, eShop was processing an update while I was trying to video...

  8. Hi. I need help, desperately. 


    I have a Pokemon HOME on a Switch with Sword.  Pokemon HOME is blocked from accessing Sword.  I have contacted Nintendo and Pokemon; Nintendo simply referred me up.  Pokemon Technical Support tells me that there is a Pokemon, one single Pokemon, of the 1,271 Pokemon I moved through Pokemon Bank to Pokemon HOME, which is "invalid". But, they don't know which Pokemon it is.  So, I have dumped every Pokemon that appears to have been hacked, and probably some perfectly good ones, too, which happened to have had reasonably decent stats, but I can't ID this bad Pokemon. 


    I'm told by Pokemon Technical Support that Project Pokemon provided Pokemon with the information to identify/validate Pokemon; and no, they themselves can't identify the bad Pokemon.  They tell me to no only DELETE all my Pokemon in HOME, but I must RE-START Sword from scratch -- thereby losing all 900 or so Pokemon I have in there.  Besides having to re-start the game from scratch, and losing 600+ game time hours.


    This is Project Pokemon:  PLEASE, PLEASE, HELP!  Is there a tool I can use to ID such a Pokemon?  Because I'm kind of pissed that I have 2 full online subscriptions (Pokemon Sword Online access, and, a paid-up Pokemon HOME account) and I can't use the damn things.  I haven't used PKHEX ever, and haven't a clue as to how to back up either Sword or HOME to modify the files.  If I have an invalid Pokemon, well, fine, but I can't ID it.... and I really would rather keep some of the Gen III (FireRed/LeafGreen) Pokemon I've managed to keep hold of for over 15 yrs.... deleting them is somewhere up there with shooting my dogs and cats.


    Thank you in advance for helping the stupid user...  I am perfectly willing to provide contact information if anyone would care to help; also, I am on Dischord.

    Cara Beserra aka ryoverde

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  9. Hi, everyone! It's been, oh, 7 or 10 years since I posted to this forum, so I thought a "re-introduction" might be in order. 

    For emphasis, I am apparently the worst of the total NOOBs (what does that mean, anyway? -- see, I told you)

    I read through the last 2 months' worth of Introductory posts, which were actually pretty helpful in general, and followed the instructions and information on those,  then.... 

    well, I stopped because I realized that, quite frankly, I'm an utter and complete *idiot* (compared to most of you lot here, at least ). And, as I stubbornly browsed through more tutorials to try to find a way to (just) give myself 900 Nuggets (or a bunch of them, anyways, to pay for all the PokeBalls) in Let's Go, Eevee...  I dug through all the tutorials, but ...

    😭  I can't find out the basic and apparently utterly necessary steps, how to move the Homebrew to/from the Switch, and/or get and move Save files from the Switch to a PC.  And *back*, of course.

    At that point, I realized that everyone but me must know how to do this already, else the Tutorial(s) for how to do this little trick would be # 1 for the Switch, not how to use Checkpoint...  Ya'll all feel free to laugh at me, I'm already laughing at myself.

    I have the latest version of Checkpoint, and, PKHex, and even found the tutorial for updating it from github....  see?  I did *try* to figure it all out, but am obviously missing the best parts, right?

    Anyways, I'm actually enjoying reading/watching the tutorials n such that I can find, and, for now at least, hoping CodeJunkies is reading them, too.

    Merry Christmas n' all!

    ryoverde, aka Cara in SA TX USA

    PS -> anyone who would care to help me in my ignorance, well, I'd be grateful.... but will not be upset if I'm just too ignorant to bother helping.  😅  PMs are okay...

  10. Personally, as a *working adult and parent* who is still a Pokemon fan, I *agree* that not being able to make up for the time it takes to "legitimately" capture/breed and raise up fight-worthy "legal" Pokemon will make it impossible for me to compete in contests. How can one compare the effort required when one has, maybe, a whole *hour* a day to "waste" on the leisure of a video game -- and compare that to the time required to raise up good fighting Pokemon *manually*? I have heard of individuals playing/working on decent Pokemon for 16-20 hrs per day... a luxury I don't have, if I want to be able to afford either the game platform *or* the game. And *usually*, I am lucky to win a mere third of the battles I wage in a competition, even with "legal" hacked Pokemon, so how is it that my "time-saving" is really hurting anyone who has time to do better? This merely ruins the game's experience for me and those in my situation.

    As for whether or not I "hack" other games -- I don't *play* other games. Period. Mario is ***booorring***, so is nearly every other game I have tried. DragonAge (the 1st one) was *almost* fun, the others were not. (sorry for the digression).

    My personal *opinion*, as is this entire post, and I am sure there are others who disagree: Nintendo, is *heavily* under-estimating the working adult population who still play Pokemon, yet who have out-grown Mario/Spyro and the like.

    The Mechanics in Pokemon, that addicted me when I was helping my 3-yr-old play/learn to read on FireRed, allow complexity that your average 10-yr-old doesn't appreciate -- but can *learn* to appreciate as they get older and delve more into the depths of the game, and even attract them into the Card game.

    In fact, there is no comparison -- to my mind, Mario games are made for 13-yr-olds & under, as a "whack'em up-mayhem" game; whereas Pokemon *can* exercise the brain, but doesn't *have* to.

    Again, just my *opinions*.

    I've been hearing some rather nasty rumors that the 6th Generation is going to lock out all programs known as Pokesav and Pokegen.

    If this is true it is really going to hurt the competitive side of Pokemon as now everyone will have to train and breed the old way.

    If this happens, it's going to turn me away from the competitive scene completely because I simply do not have the time in my life to tackle such a huge task.


  11. Hi. I doubt this helps, but I have a Pokemon w a removed illegal move whose legality can be checked -- an Umbreon I have had for years who in Emerald was taught Crunch. I un-taught it Crunch & re-taught it Bite in Pokemon Pearl, and have successfully used it online in battles -- though I think I lost the battle, but that's not affected by the unlearned illegal move. Oh, and I had to use a move code to re-teach Bite... I think. I can produce this Pokemon, it's in Black (not Black2, just Black), if anyone would like to take a legitimacy tester to it. (I still don't know why Umbreon doesn't learn Crunch...)

    Let me know if anyone wants to try it, even if only for fun.


  12. Am obviously new here (well, duh, right?) I am a kid who never got to play when I was a kid. I *legally* breed Eevees and specialized Vulpix/Ninetales for trade -> Eevees with Shadow Ball/Dig/Facade/Bite and going for "stable" natures; Vulpix with Energy Ball/Faint Attack/Extrasensory/Flamthrower. But this is not an advertisement, so I apologize for digression. I use a cheater mostly to make up for time lost having to work to pay bills :redface: It's a headache, working, blech. But, a little extra HP, faster egg hatches, and I can make up lost time okay. Major problem, missed the Raikou event, and thanks to Snow in San Antonio for the 1st time in 26 years - making it so no one knows how to handle the weather - am missing the Suicune event.:frown: So am trying to figure out how to backup/restore games, then knit in those wonderful looking codes that I haven't quite figured out, especially since my AV is reporting Pokesav as full of Trojans... I read Pokesav is not maintained/written here, but this is the 1st site I've found that mentioned knowledge of "ownership", and pokesav.org is not a valid website that I can tell.:confused: Maybe I'm too WWW illiterate, don't know enough about using the programs or something. Well, I'm here to learn, feel free to point me at forums! If anyone reads these. Thanks.

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