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Posts posted by Vlad

  1. Hey guys, I'm curious if someone could post some examples that I could try and play with. I wanna make a PHP script to take a .pkm file and generate a proper version that can be read by the GTS. I know of http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/GTS_protocol but I need some way to test if my script does it right.

    Could someone post a zip with a .pkm file and a encoded .pkm for usage with G4 and G5 (I read there are differences)? This way I can try out my code on the original .pkm and check if the result matches the encoded files and it will help me figure out my errors in my code. :)

    Thanks a lot for reading, and keep up the work on the GTS -at some point I shall return with a full PHP script that works with G4 and G5 for us PHP fanatics. :D

  2. Vlad sure did make a PHP site that used Python to do the encryption, because Vlad never managed to really implement it in PHP (it can but I lack the skill) and Vlad has not had time to make a B/W edition yet, maybe in the summer I'll play more with the encryption part and see if I can make PHP do it. :)

  3. Figured I could post a updated GTS server tool, I haven't really gotten to test it out but in case someone else would like to I see no problem with that.


    You may wish to check the inside of the .jar archive for the python script to encode pkm files. The "README" contains some information -I guess better than none, right? :P


    Anyway I've looked into Black and White and I thank Grovyle91 for posting his findings on the thread, helps a lot bro! :) On the other hand it seems to kick you if you just use the same old way of fooling the game, perhaps they added a header field containing something the game checks for, so far it does not BSOD or do anything but just disconnect you when calling info.asp (not the first call but the 2nd, with it's hash and everything). I guess the response changed or something, we'll have to look into that eventually.

  4. May be a DNS issue, or something changed on your router or computer like firewall rules or port forwarding.

    In general if you can't connect it's most likely firewall or port forwarding that is not setup right. I guess your pc perhaps got a new local ip from the router while the port forward remained assigned to the old local ip.

    This ain't the only possibility but that's what I guess at first.

    It's hard to keep up helping out people in these threads, they are huge and lots of questions.

  5. Granted, but now the gyms are even easier -way to go, R.A.S.N.!

    I wish Black & White was like HG/SS where you could play both the old and the new worlds, only now let's also add the new world and add a old one like Platinum or what not, more stuff to do is always more fun!

  6. Mine ain't threaded, was my first Python script. :P GTS Nuker is the only community release that is threaded.

    When we use the DNS to redirect requests, at least in my script what I did was only redirect request going to "gamestats2.gs.nintendowifi.net" to a specific IP (that was the custom webserver IP). Everything else should be left alone. Now the new host must handle two things, the GTS and the Battletower as they oddly are implemented on that server. They also share one file I believe, the setProfile.asp in the /common/ dir so it's a little messy but you could manage and redirect those requests (battletower) to the official Nintendo GTS server and only intercept the GTS communication, but that's done within the webserver, the DNS is supposed only to redirect all the traffic from the mentioned CNAME.

  7. doeiqts: Problem is that the file (after being encoded) is 293bytes and not 292bytes -that means there is a overflow on the NDS and you get a blue-screen. I believe it was a issue with LordLangdons encoding script, I believe he did post some updated code but in all this mess I can't find it, hehe. I am no encoding/decoding guy so atm just waiting to see if someone else publishes some work on that, so I can borrow their code to update the encoding script of the pkm files.


    Read your edit, was the encoded file 292 or 293 bytes? Curious because if was 293 then I can update my GTS site to also accept 293 byte files. :D

  8. To end the face-palming. What he meant flyingpker is if you are connected to the internet trough a router. If you are then it means you need to configure the ports on the routers administration page so that the traffic on ports 80 and 53 are directed to your machine -if you want a public service, so others can connect to your server when connecting from the outside of your house/i.e. their connection does not go into your router box directly, but from the outside of your house.

  9. quick question after i input my ip address ( wich is static) for the dns server

    it says dns server started on is this correct, also when i attempt to connect i get the 52100 error

    If you try connecting to "" then it won't work, find your local IP of that machine and input that into the NDS. Make sure both run on the same network. Good thing about intranet is you don't got port issues, only firewall settings on the machine you run the server on (can temporarily disable it if you encounter problems and don't wanna configure it). Finding your IP is simple, just open the network settings in the Control panel and check the current connection "Properties", the IP is listed on the dialog that pops up (alternative next to the icons on the taskbar, near the clock. the network status there opens up the connection details or the control panel dialog).

  10. I guess I now need "support", have my GTS running here: http://vlacula.no-ip.com/pokemon/gts/ so if it does not show 404 (means my PC is online) you could if you want try and connect to it. It's a vote system, vote for the pokemon you like and if it wins it is distributed for 15 minutes until the next round starts. There are 22 events but need to fix the encoding because most of the files are not 292 bytes so they create blue screens, hehe. Gonna implement the proper encoding function in PHP, until then I use LordLangdons Python script to encode, anyway I just wanna see if it works for others than me, it should but unsure until someone tries it out too. :P

  11. About router configuration problems (port being used by already existing configurations), you simply need to find where by checking the different router admin pages and trying to find where the port in question is mentioned (on a list of preferences or what ever). Most routers do allow redirection of any ports, so it's not about having a old router kind of, the function is there but the procedure vary from one router to the other. I guess Google is your friend on the error there, Hazz. :(

    Port 53 is used for applications to query DNS servers for domain information (what the IP is for a domain, ex "google.com" the DNS server will reply with "" because the domain is a "alias" for the IP -would be a hell to remember IP's instead of domains, wouldn't it? ;)) You only need to forward ports when you want incoming connections (i.e. people outside your router to get access to servers you may run behind the router). By default everyone behind the router can access all ports when going out, but not when connections are trying to be established from outside. If you manage to setup port forwarding properly (and make an exception in the Windows firewall settings for that port, so traffic is not blocked) then it will work.

    About ports 80/53 being blocked by ISP, can't do much about it because the game itself is made to query DNS and HTTP over ports 53 and 80, you need to hack the game in order to change this. If you could redirect traffic from port 80 to another port you would need a link in the middle, between the NDS and your server machine, so that NDS--port80-->MiddleServer--port81-->YourServer (this way you can change the Python script and such to work on other ports, but I doubt anyone has a second machine they can use as a link in between, hehe.

    For those that run their webserver on their machine, they can use a .htaccess file (apache servers) to redirect specific requests from a port to another, for example "RewriteRule ^pokemondpds/(.*) http://%{SERVER_NAME}:81/pokemondpds/$1", then you can run your own webserver and run the GTS nuker or what ever on another port (in this case 81).

    I made a small sketch and tried to explain a little, http://www.ziuo.net/portforward/ -perhaps it will help understand why things don't go as they should for some, perhaps it will just confuse you more. I am no expert but at least I hope I got something right. :P

    No one is doing anything wrong, it's about trial and error and then working your way up until it works. If questions I am glad to try and answer them, like always. Good luck trying to make your GTS servers work!

  12. Perhaps Projectpokemon could run a GTS server, something like what I am trying to make at http://vlacula.no-ip.com/pokemon/gts/ (if my pc is on the link will work). I guess once events are up it would be neat to have the possibility to get the Pokemon trough PP's custom GTS and with a site interface vote for what event the community want's to download. Going to release the sources soon, when I manage to get it stable. No it's not easy to use but it's at least pretty easy to configure if you know the basics of web-hosting.

    This ain't really research but more like the result of it, hehe. Super Veekun, that you managed to make your own server too -it's cool. ;) Easy "trade evolution" for those unable to edit their saves with Pokesav.

  13. Got M@T's GTS_Nuker to work, but I have a bit of a problem. Can't forward port 53. I've already forwarded 80 for an HTTP server, but I run into an error when I try to forward 53 with any protocol.




    No expert in Jargon, but I think 53's in use. So two questions: How can I find what's using it (and stop it), and can I change the port it list on from the source code + recompile? ie: Use port 530 instead. I tried it with the Python scripts and got errors.

    We must emulate how the official GTS works, first by making the NDS use our own DNS server (it is by default ran on port 53, thus unless you can hack your NDS to access DNS over another port be my guest). Same goes for HTTP server, by default it goes over port 80 thus only way to change it is to hack the game and make it communicate over another port -in other words really hard and tedious work.

    How the internal ports and such are is up to everyone one of us, as long the public can access the services using ports TCP80/UDP53 then there won't be problems. Use local IP if you dont wanna fix ports on the router (only for local intranet GTS) but if you wanna open up a server then in your case UDP53 is probably taken by your router if it has a pubpic DNS service, or perhaps a predefined example setting that takes that port in some other configuration site on the router?

  14. With a little help by the mods we could organize the threads so that all questions and errors end up here -while letting the original thread only be used for publishing tests, scripts, e.g.

    Would make it much easier actually find research material when we move 15 of the pages to this thread, perhaps people could simply referrer to a post then two lines below type their question (so we can click the link, check the post and attachment in question then read the question and reply).

    I believe this will be a smart thing to do.

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