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About Ruttager

  • Birthday 11/23/1989
  1. Hi there. I posted a request for this Pokémon about two months ago and, as of yet, have gotten no response, so I thought I'd repost my request in the hopes it is met with more help than my old one. Thanks for any help you can give!
  2. I can also trade from any other Gen IV game if that would be better for you. Thanks to any one who can help me out! :biggrin:
  3. It's totally fine. I'm just glad you've been so understanding!
  4. I would feel a whole lot better if you did if it's not too much trouble, but is it also possible to just have it be "Egg" instead of "BELDUM" until it hatches, or is that asking too much?
  5. Well, the message that normally says "What will hatch from this? It doesn't seem close to hatching." Instead says "It looks like this Egg will take a long time to hatch." Maybe it happened because of the drop in connection?
  6. Well thanks for the trade, but I think you gave me a bad egg. If it is, I think I need to trade it back unless you can give me a different one.
  7. Legal would be nice, but if the nature's a problem you can change it to anything that doesn't hinder speed, defense or special defense.
  8. I'm available right now if you are.
  9. Hi guys, I'm new around here. I'm starting a new file in Soul Silver and need the Ditto for breeding and the Beldum as the first member of my new team. So here are my requests: I would like a trade over Wi-Fi for both of these guys if that's OK, and thanks so much in advance to anyone that can help me!
  10. <p><p><p><p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">welcome to the fourms!</span></p></p></p></p></p>

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