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Everything posted by shadowdorothy

  1. Oh. I did not know that. My readme file wouldn't open. I'll try what you said.
  2. I only ran it through once. I used the link in my earlier post. Is there a converter that is guaranteed to convert .duc to .sav other then that website?
  3. Ok I'll upload my saves. I just tried the stable version and got no where. also I was using this to convert my game saves. Is there something else I should use? game saves
  4. Ok so I'm having a problem getting my .sav files to load in pokegen. I'm trying to load my diamond save file. But I keep getting an invalid save file error. I go to options and choose diamond/pearl, go to file and select load. Then I choose my diamond save file. That's when I get the error. I have also tried my platinum, pearl and my Japanese diamond save file. But none of them will load. Am I missing something? I can get all these files to load in pokesav. But seeing as I'm just trying to edit my pokemon in my box I thought this would be better. Is there a secondary application I will need to load my saves? Or do I have to convert them from .sav to something else? Some additional information that may help: Running windows 7 I converted these save files from .duc (action replay) to .sav I haven't edited the save files other then conversion. I read the readme file, but it didn't have information as to what to do when I get this error. I'm using 3.0b pokegen If I tell it to ignore check sums in my save file I get some weird errors, like all my pokemon are eggs, or they have a nickname like $^&%*(%$&%^)*^ Any information as to how to fix this would be appreciated. If this isn't the right place then just move this thread to the appropriate section.
  5. Ok, seeing as this is the pokesav discussion area I'll post this here. I downloaded pokesav yesterday, and converted my Japanese pokemon diamond save file from a .duc to a .sav using this website. Now I'm having some interesting issues with pokesav. Here's everything I have done and noted; 1. open pokesav for use with diamond and pearl. 2. load my now converted pokemon diamond save file. 3. instead of it saying I started my adventure in 2010 it says I started it in 2016. 4. It keeps asking me for weird stats. Like did my pokemon want 1 attack and 900 def. 5. it doesn't recognize my name, but my trainer # and secret id are shown. Also my rivals name is ". that's about it, but it just keeps throwing in weird stuff. Does the pokesav for D/P not work with a Japanese game? It seems to do the same thing with my English game saves. I also have another problem getting pokesav to generate ARDSI codes. I generated a code to give me 20 master balls in my pearl and diamond slot 1 of my ball pocket, but it doesn't seem to work. I tried pressing L+R then going into bag. Nothing. I tried select, and again nothing. Is there a button combo that you have to use with pokesav codes? I thought it was L+R, but like I said it didn't work.
  6. Ok I'm hoping that this is the right place. I downloaded pokesav yesterday, and converted my Japanese pokemon diamond save file from a .duc to a .sav using this website. Now I'm having some interesting issues with pokesav. Here's everything I have done and noted; 1. open pokesav for use with diamond and pearl. 2. load my now converted pokemon diamond save file. 3. instead of it saying I started my adventure in 2010 it says I started it in 2016. 4. It doesn't know my pokemon when I click on edit. No name or current pokemon in party appear, but oddly it knows I have 5 pokemon in my party. 5. It keeps asking me for weird stats. 6. it doesn't recognize my name, but my trainer # and secret id are shown. that's about it, but it just keeps throwing in weird stuff. Does the pokesav for D/P not work with a Japanese game?
  7. So obviously I'm new here. I've been playing pokemon since I was 7, and that's when it came to America. I've been an avid fan of the games ever since.
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