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About ticokico

  • Birthday 02/06/1997
  1. Oh! i see, thx =D i was thinking why you guys are trying to inject data via the wonder trade and not the GTS like you used to. now i understand
  2. Hey, i've been following the post since it started and i've been quetioning one thing: I see you guys are trying to decrypt and understand the protocols of the wonder trade. But did the GTS mechanics have changed?
  3. Hey, the link for V4 is down, would you guys mind replacing it? =D
  4. what about a progan that could edit saves from 3rd gen up to 5th
  5. So i am trying to pal park from my Pokemon Emerald,Fire Red and Leaf Green to my Pokemon Soulsilver.The rom finds the GBA rom but when its saving to transfer it says the save failed and I need Help!!! PS:I'm Using Desmume
  6. I would like to ask for a code that change the gender of your pokemon so I can make dream world abilities eggs
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