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Everything posted by Distract

  1. did you ever figure out how to get that random pokemon cheat to work?
  2. maybe that random encounter code would work if you toss a activator on it just a thought
  3. any reason why this is not working? i had went through the cheat many times, and it just refuses to work for me. :Random Pokemon Encounters :::Wild Pokemon you encounter while in tall grass are completely random. It can range from 1 to 493. DB000000 021D15A8 421D15A8 7FFFFFFF D4000000 00000100 D0000000 00000000 D7000000 022186D4 D2000000 00000000 622186D400000000 322186D4000001EE DA000000 022186D4 B2111880 00000000 C0000000 00000027 D7000000 00025A68 D2000000 00000000
  4. :Random Pokemon Encounters :::Wild Pokemon you encounter while in tall grass are completely random. It can range from 1 to 493. DB000000 021D15A8 421D15A8 7FFFFFFF D4000000 00000100 D0000000 00000000 D7000000 022186D4 D2000000 00000000 622186D400000000 322186D4000001EE DA000000 022186D4 B2111880 00000000 C0000000 00000027 D7000000 00025A68 D2000000 00000000 Thats the code i was using, thanks Riolu. :< i found a riolu doll at a store and i didnt have money to buy it, so a week later i came back to buy it...it was sold...sad day thanks again
  5. Props to everybody that has been working on these codes, and thanks for staying active Riolu. Seriously. lots of help. :grog: I was wondering if there is a recent fixed code for battling random pokemon in tall grass. There is the codes where you can have a set amount of masterballs or ultraballs and hold L or R and get that given pokemon, but i was wondering if there is another code for finding random pokemon anywhere in tall grass (or anywhere where pokemon is findable) I had typed one in, and i wasnt sure if it was working or not, all other codes worked but that one didnt. Wasnt sure it was was conflicting with other codes, or i just lost the ability to use to code or it just was for DSi. i dunno. But can ya help me Rioulu? if this was posted earlier i apologise. i have read through 60 pages or so..and im getting eye strained
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