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About morningstar

  • Birthday 07/08/1983
  1. I can do it whenever, what do u want in return in my above post I have my email. if u email me i will get it right away, send your name and FC so I can connect to u, mine is Kevin (only K is cap) and fc is 1935-7166-1601
  2. I would prefer the trainer info to be as close to legit as possible. can a legit 10th anniversary Celebi be run thru pokesav and changed to shiny? that way it is exactly the same but shiny. Cloned is ok.
  3. I've seen images of a shiny celebi, mostly SR'ing on crystal I assume, but those can't be traded up to current gen so my only guess is non legit, which I really wouldn't care, I don't plan to trade it. I just want it for personal use, if someone could hack one and make it appear legit as possible I wouldn't even mind that. If the person who can do it isn't comfortable distributing it since it would be non-legit, I would be open to a direct trade via freind code. I really want it simply because I have a psychic team, celebi is green, but shiny is purple (arguably pink), which matches the psychic theme nicely. anyway, if possible I'd love one even if it's slightly hacked. If anyone is up for the challange you can get a hold of me directly x_morningstar_x@hotmail.com
  4. Awesome I figured out I was switching the first auto obtain dns to no as well. May I make a request to anyone who will answer. My first and only request is a shiny flawless celebi, ev"d if u want, and any of the balanced natured if possible, mostly just any shiny celebi will make my day.
  5. I would love to try and enjoy some of the give aways on gts but every IP server I find gives me the same error when I test the connection, "These settings are invalid. Confirm the information and try again...." I change the Auto obtain DNS to no, and primary dns to the server IP, but same thing every time. I've tried close to 30 servers including the ones in this thread.Doesn"t help that most post I find on most sites are months old, are all these servers just old and dead? Has Nintendo patched the exploit? Or am I just doing the 2 simple steps wrong somehow. Any help would be appreciated.
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