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About umbreonboii

  • Birthday 03/22/1992
  1. by toys r us , does this mean they will be in the uk toys r us, or the american ones ???
  2. this website is actually quite far behind, seribii and bulbapedia all ready have the full generation 5 pokedex
  3. has anyone looked on sites like seribii.net and bulbapedia ??? , they have the fulll ishhu pokedex
  4. i like the look of this one, do you think they will release it in the uk???
  5. tbh , all the new pokemon make this game seen like the designers have gone back to basics , all the pokemon look like very simple designs
  6. personally, i dont like them, i like the idea of the weird fire pig being part electric, and tbh , the others fail , and if they dont have very gudevo's then her comes one of the worst set of pokemon games ever
  7. i think wh wa meant by the legal part was that its the only legal way of getting a jirachi that can use draco meteor
  8. will these pkm be avalible for download from the pkm file site???
  9. does anyonehave any ideas when the next pokemon will be revealed, i really want to see the starters
  10. maybe they are just running out of ideas:confused:
  11. tbh, im happy with the names being what they are, i mean not changing them for english, i think the quite cool names
  12. y fdo they ban certain pokmon , is it coz they have 2 good stats or somthing?
  13. we will obviously find out what it is when they reveal it, are hey giving info on it or just showing us a pic, coz if they give info it will prove what it is, and maybe what the next pkm is coz there showing another silohoete- sorry,cant spell tha last 1 :tongue:
  14. that looks really cool, could be a fire, dark or fighting type coz of the colours i picture it in my head as purple/ black or dark blue
  15. isnt that what entei is????
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