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Posts posted by CronoStorm

  1. Hello There.

    I like Sonic too. Although i prefer Shadow, and Silver they're AwEsOmE.:kikkoman:

    oh and let me break it to you:

    Newb - Beginner who doesn't know any better.

    noob - someone who knows better but chooses not to do as expected to be annoying.

    n00b - verison of above but uses the fail version of the 1337 speak.

    Nooblet - a noob that is more annoying version of a noob.

    n00bl3t - obvious, no?

    nub - the Most annoying of all of them.

    1338 nub - one that has surpassed the retardation that is 1337, and is still extremely annoying.:grog:

    LOL, touche sir, touche. However, I assume that different regions have different takes on a 'nub'; here, its simply someone who isn't a total NOOB, but still ends up making completely noobish mistakes. Nice to meet you. :grog:

    Ah, um, won't catch me speakin 1337 to save my net-life. Promise.

    I don't think I fall under those categories, then. :smile: I just can't Mystery Gift edit to save my life lol

    Doc: 'Crono', lol, no 'H'. It's all good though, everyone does that.

  2. That's amazing, man. I posted this and got a PERFECT code in about 10 minutes. Absolutely astounding.

    I think I'm gonna like this site.

    As for you, good sir, your skills are crazy. How you managed to make that in such a short time is beyond me, but I take my hat off to you. Thank you SO much.

    Anyway, gotta juice!

  3. Ah, yes, I should've specified. If you wouldn't mind, I'd like the Arceus with the Wonder Card, for Diamond.

    The whole green man thing was a joke, mostly. I thought it was funny. LOL

    Anyway, you win the medal for fastest reply in history.

  4. Somebody lend me a hand! A finger?

    I just can't, for the life of me, get the Arceus event to work for me. I suck at MG edits, don't have a clue what to do there, and the menu's look really goofy. I don't have the right equipment, this computer is janked (please, PLEASE, don't make me go into the specs :tongue:)

    Can someone save me a lot of time and spoon-feed me an action replay code for the Japanese Arceus event? I'll love you forever. And wash your dog.

    By the by, if you're curious, my one attempt at making the Arceus code ended with me receiving a Bad Egg from, not the green Pokemart guy, but a Blackbelt. Yeah. I know. Don't even ask me what the heck I did.

  5. I bring you greetings from Emerald Hill Zone!

    Nah, just kiddin. Anyway, I'm CronoStorm. Crono is fine. Nice to meet you all. I don't sign up for many sites (actually, this one makes three EVER) but it seems like a community that's actually worth my time.

    I'm kinda a nub at editing in general; but all the edits I've done so far have all passed as legit. I suck at Mystery Gift editing, though, no idea what I'm doin'. :grog:

    I've been playing Pokemon since the games birth. I'm a veritable fountain of knowledge, though I try not to show off (lol). I play tournaments here and there (with my Diamond version; haven't gotten around to Platinum) and always come out on top. Um, mind you, they are local tournaments :creep: and anything I play generally gets banned (that's the common theme where I live; if it beats you, ban it).

    I hope to get to know you all a bit better. My profile has been all decked out (lol though not very descriptive) and if you wanna chat or ask me anything gimme a PM.

    Can't WAIT for Soul Silver, btw.

    Also, on a final note, I like Sonic. A lot. And Cheez-its, and parentheses.


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