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File Comments posted by jariesuicune



    @CabbageGod: This is not the place to ask. This is only for techincal help or issues with the program itself. For help in using it, please use a thread that is appropriate for the topic.
    On that note, and to any others with a similar question: I help run a couple of Groups on Facebook for the very purpose of helping with people to Gen Pokemon.

    To find such places, it's generally easy: Use Google. But, here:
    It's called PokeGen, since it was started during the time before PKHeX, when we used the now-obsolete PokeGen (As PKHeX does everything it did, and more).
    It is a closed group (as in, you must be a member to post), as we got sick of the spam posts or from people that had no clue what it was about. So just pop us a request to join!

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