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Posts posted by 0660

  1. I don't want to seem rude, but scrapping this one seems like the best option

    No, you're definitely right. I made a new team, for gen 5. It needs some work, but it functions relatively well.

    Ninetales (F) @ Lum Berry

    Trait: Drought

    EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

    Hardy Nature

    - Hypnosis

    - Roar

    - Overheat

    - Substitute

    Urugamosu (M) @ Leftovers

    Trait: Swarm

    EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

    Hardy Nature

    - Butterfly Dance

    - Fire Blast

    - Bug Buzz

    - Hidden Power [ice]

    Shandera (M) @ Choice Scarf

    Trait: Flash Fire

    EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

    Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

    - Overheat

    - Energy Ball

    - Shadow Ball

    - Hidden Power [Ground]

    Venusaur (M) @ Life Orb

    Trait: Chlorophyll

    EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

    Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

    - Growth

    - SolarBeam

    - Sludge Bomb

    - Sleep Powder

    Forretress (M) @ Leftovers

    Trait: Sturdy

    EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef

    Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)

    - Payback

    - Pain Split

    - Toxic Spikes

    - Rapid Spin

    Cresselia (F) @ Leftovers

    Trait: Levitate

    EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 SDef

    Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

    - Psychic

    - Moonlight

    - Toxic

    - Protect

    Didn't want to make a new thread just for this, please rate it here (if you do want to rate it).


    Against an Uber team:

    Battle between Jarhead and 0660 started!

    Rule: Unrated

    Rule: Sleep Clause

    Rule: Freeze Clause

    Rule: Evasion Clause

    Rule: OHKO Clause

    0660 sent out Ninetales!

    Jarhead sent out Charizard!

    Ninetales's Drought intensified the sun's rays!

    Start of turn 1

    Jarhead called Charizard back!

    Jarhead sent out Tyranitar!

    The foe's Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!

    Ninetales used Hypnosis!

    The attack of Ninetales missed!

    The sandstorm rages!

    Ninetales is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    Start of turn 2

    Ninetales used Hypnosis!

    The foe's Tyranitar fell asleep!

    The foe's Tyranitar is fast asleep!

    The sandstorm rages!

    Ninetales is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    Start of turn 3

    0660 called Ninetales back!

    0660 sent out Cresselia!

    The foe's Tyranitar is fast asleep!

    The sandstorm rages!

    Cresselia is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    Cresselia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 4

    Jarhead called Tyranitar back!

    Jarhead sent out Zekuromu!

    The foe's Zekuromu has TeraVoltage!

    0660 called Cresselia back!

    0660 sent out Ninetales!

    Ninetales's Drought intensified the sun's rays!

    The sunlight is strong!

    Start of turn 5

    Jarhead called Zekuromu back!

    Jarhead sent out Tyranitar!

    The foe's Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!

    Ninetales used Roar!

    The foe's Charizard was dragged out!

    The sandstorm rages!

    The foe's Charizard is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    Ninetales is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    Start of turn 6

    Jarhead called Charizard back!

    Jarhead sent out Tyranitar!

    0660 called Ninetales back!

    0660 sent out Urugamosu!

    The sandstorm rages!

    Urugamosu is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    Urugamosu restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 7

    Urugamosu used Butterfly Dance!

    Urugamosu's Sp. Att. rose!

    Urugamosu's Sp. Def. rose!

    Urugamosu's Speed rose!

    The foe's Tyranitar is fast asleep!

    The sandstorm rages!

    Urugamosu is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    Urugamosu restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 8

    Urugamosu used Butterfly Dance!

    Urugamosu's Sp. Att. rose!

    Urugamosu's Sp. Def. rose!

    Urugamosu's Speed rose!

    The foe's Tyranitar is fast asleep!

    The sandstorm rages!

    Urugamosu is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    Urugamosu restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 9

    Urugamosu used Hidden Power!

    The foe's Tyranitar lost 34% of its health!

    The foe's Tyranitar is fast asleep!

    The sandstorm rages!

    Urugamosu is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    Urugamosu restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    The foe's Tyranitar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 10

    Urugamosu used Fire Blast!

    It's not very effective...

    The foe's Tyranitar lost 44% of its health!

    The foe's Tyranitar woke up!

    The foe's Tyranitar used Earthquake!

    Urugamosu lost 155 HP! (49% of its health)

    The sandstorm rages!

    Urugamosu is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    Urugamosu restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    The foe's Tyranitar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 11

    Urugamosu used Fire Blast!

    It's not very effective...

    The foe's Tyranitar lost 33% of its health!

    The foe's Tyranitar fainted!

    The sandstorm rages!

    Urugamosu is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    Urugamosu restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Jarhead sent out Garchomp!

    Start of turn 12

    Urugamosu used Hidden Power!

    The attack of Urugamosu missed!

    The foe's Garchomp used Earthquake!

    Urugamosu lost 157 HP! (50% of its health)

    Urugamosu fainted!

    The sandstorm rages!

    0660: omfg

    0660: that HP woulda OHKO'd you

    0660 sent out Forretress!

    Start of turn 13

    Jarhead called Garchomp back!

    Jarhead sent out Charizard!

    Forretress used Toxic Spikes!

    Poison spikes were scattered all around the feet of Jarhead's team!

    The sandstorm rages!

    The foe's Charizard is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    Start of turn 14

    0660 called Forretress back!

    0660 sent out Shandera!

    The foe's Charizard used Overheat!

    Shandera's Flash Fire raised the power of its Fire-type moves!

    The sandstorm rages!

    Shandera is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    The foe's Charizard is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    Start of turn 15

    Jarhead called Charizard back!

    Jarhead sent out Alakazam!

    The foe's Alakazam was poisoned!

    Shandera used Shadow Ball!

    It's super effective!

    The foe's Alakazam lost 100% of its health!

    The foe's Alakazam fainted!

    The sandstorm rages!

    Shandera is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    Jarhead sent out Ononokusu!

    The foe's Ononokusu was poisoned!

    The foe's Ononokusu has Mold Breaker!

    Start of turn 16

    0660 called Shandera back!

    0660 sent out Forretress!

    The foe's Ononokusu used Surf!

    Forretress lost 50 HP! (14% of its health)

    The sandstorm rages!

    The foe's Ononokusu is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    The foe's Ononokusu is hurt by poison!

    Forretress restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 17

    Jarhead called Ononokusu back!

    Jarhead sent out Charizard!

    Forretress used Toxic Spikes!

    Poison spikes were scattered all around the feet of Jarhead's team!

    The sandstorm rages!

    The foe's Charizard is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    Forretress restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 18

    0660 called Forretress back!

    0660 sent out Shandera!

    The foe's Charizard used Overheat!

    Shandera's Flash Fire raised the power of its Fire-type moves!

    The sandstorm rages!

    Shandera is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    The foe's Charizard is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    Start of turn 19

    Jarhead called Charizard back!

    Jarhead sent out Ononokusu!

    The foe's Ononokusu has Mold Breaker!

    Shandera used Shadow Ball!

    The foe's Ononokusu lost 67% of its health!

    The foe's Ononokusu ate its Sitrus Berry!

    The foe's Ononokusu restored some HP!

    The sandstorm rages!

    Shandera is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    The foe's Ononokusu is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    The foe's Ononokusu is hurt by poison!

    Start of turn 20

    0660 called Shandera back!

    0660 sent out Venusaur!

    The foe's Ononokusu used Surf!

    It's not very effective...

    A critical hit!

    Venusaur lost 52 HP! (17% of its health)

    The sandstorm rages!

    The foe's Ononokusu is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    Venusaur is buffeted by the sandstorm!

    The foe's Ononokusu is hurt by poison!

    Start of turn 21

    0660 called Venusaur back!

    0660 sent out Ninetales!

    Ninetales's Drought intensified the sun's rays!

    The foe's Ononokusu used Surf!

    It's super effective!

    Ninetales lost 48 HP! (16% of its health)

    The sunlight is strong!

    The foe's Ononokusu is hurt by poison!

    The foe's Ononokusu fainted!

    Jarhead sent out Garchomp!

    The foe's Garchomp was poisoned!

    Start of turn 22

    The foe's Garchomp used Aqua Tail!

    It's super effective!

    Ninetales lost 126 HP! (43% of its health)

    Ninetales used Roar!

    The foe's Charizard was dragged out!

    The sunlight is strong!

    Start of turn 23

    Jarhead called Charizard back!

    Jarhead sent out Garchomp!

    Ninetales used Hypnosis!

    The attack of Ninetales missed!

    The sunlight is strong!

    The foe's Garchomp is hurt by poison!

    Start of turn 24

    The foe's Garchomp used Aqua Tail!

    It's super effective!

    Ninetales lost 60 HP! (20% of its health)

    Ninetales fainted!

    The sunlight is strong!

    The foe's Garchomp is hurt by poison!

    0660 sent out Venusaur!

    Start of turn 25

    Jarhead called Garchomp back!

    Jarhead sent out Charizard!

    Venusaur used SolarBeam!

    It's not very effective...

    The foe's Charizard lost 20% of its health!

    The foe's Charizard ate its Sitrus Berry!

    The foe's Charizard restored some HP!

    The sunlight is strong!

    Start of turn 26

    Venusaur used Sludge Bomb!

    The foe's Charizard lost 66% of its health!

    The foe's Charizard was poisoned!

    The foe's Charizard used Overheat!

    It's super effective!

    Venusaur lost 172 HP! (56% of its health)

    The foe's Charizard's Sp. Att. sharply fell!

    Venusaur fainted!

    The sunlight is strong!

    The foe's Charizard is hurt by poison!

    The foe's Charizard fainted!

    0660 sent out Cresselia!

    Jarhead sent out Garchomp!

    Start of turn 27

    Jarhead called Garchomp back!

    Jarhead sent out Zekuromu!

    The foe's Zekuromu was poisoned!

    The foe's Zekuromu has TeraVoltage!

    Cresselia used Protect!

    But it failed!

    The sunlight is strong!

    The foe's Zekuromu is hurt by poison!

    Start of turn 28

    Cresselia used Protect!

    Cresselia protected itself!

    The foe's Zekuromu used Shadow Claw!

    Cresselia protected itself!

    The sunlight is strong!

    The foe's Zekuromu is hurt by poison!

    Start of turn 29

    0660 called Cresselia back!

    0660 sent out Forretress!

    The foe's Zekuromu used Shadow Claw!

    It's not very effective...

    Forretress lost 36 HP! (10% of its health)

    The sunlight is strong!

    The foe's Zekuromu is hurt by poison!

    Forretress restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 30

    The foe's Zekuromu used Lightning Strike!

    Forretress lost 186 HP! (52% of its health)

    Forretress used Payback!

    The foe's Zekuromu lost 16% of its health!

    The sunlight is strong!

    The foe's Zekuromu is hurt by poison!

    Forretress restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 31

    Jarhead called Zekuromu back!

    Jarhead sent out Garchomp!

    0660 called Forretress back!

    0660 sent out Shandera!

    The sunlight is strong!

    The foe's Garchomp is hurt by poison!

    Start of turn 32

    Shandera used Overheat!

    The attack of Shandera missed!

    The foe's Garchomp used Earthquake!

    It's super effective!

    Shandera lost 198 HP! (75% of its health)

    Shandera fainted!

    The sunlight is strong!

    The foe's Garchomp is hurt by poison!

    0660 sent out Cresselia!

    Start of turn 33

    The foe's Garchomp used Double Chop!

    Cresselia lost 51 HP! (13% of its health)

    Cresselia lost 57 HP! (14% of its health)

    Hit 2 times!

    Cresselia used Psychic!

    The foe's Garchomp lost 26% of its health!

    The foe's Garchomp ate its Sitrus Berry!

    The foe's Garchomp restored some HP!

    The sunlight is strong!

    The foe's Garchomp is hurt by poison!

    Cresselia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 34

    The foe's Garchomp used Toxic!

    Cresselia was poisoned!

    Cresselia used Moonlight!

    Cresselia regained health!

    The sunlight is strong!

    The foe's Garchomp is hurt by poison!

    Cresselia is hurt by poison!

    Start of turn 35

    The foe's Garchomp used Double Chop!

    Cresselia lost 49 HP! (12% of its health)

    Cresselia lost 52 HP! (13% of its health)

    Hit 2 times!

    Cresselia used Psychic!

    The foe's Garchomp lost 18% of its health!

    The foe's Garchomp fainted!

    The sunlight is strong!

    Cresselia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Cresselia is hurt by poison!

    Jarhead sent out Zekuromu!

    The foe's Zekuromu has TeraVoltage!

    Start of turn 36

    The foe's Zekuromu used Shadow Claw!

    It's super effective!

    Cresselia lost 152 HP! (39% of its health)

    Cresselia used Moonlight!

    Cresselia regained health!

    The sunlight is strong!

    The foe's Zekuromu is hurt by poison!

    Cresselia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Cresselia is hurt by poison!

    Start of turn 37

    Cresselia used Protect!

    Cresselia protected itself!

    The foe's Zekuromu used Shadow Claw!

    Cresselia protected itself!

    The sunlight is strong!

    The foe's Zekuromu is hurt by poison!

    Cresselia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Cresselia is hurt by poison!

    Start of turn 38

    The foe's Zekuromu used Lightning Strike!

    A critical hit!

    Cresselia lost 215 HP! (56% of its health)

    Cresselia fainted!

    The sunlight is strong!

    The foe's Zekuromu is hurt by poison!

    The foe's Zekuromu fainted!

    0660 won the battle!

    0660: Thanks for the match.

    Jarhead: Nice one but i will win next time

    0660: gg

    0660: :D

    Jarhead: gg

    In Doubles (Accidental Battle):

    Battle between 0660 and Tr1sK3Li0n started!

    Tier: OverUsed

    Rule: Unrated

    Tr1sK3Li0n sent out Cloyster!

    0660 sent out Ninetales!

    Tr1sK3Li0n sent out Chansey!

    0660 sent out Urugamosu!

    Ninetales's Drought intensified the sun's rays!

    0660: ohshit

    0660: dubs

    Tr1sK3Li0n: :L dont worry

    Start of turn 1

    Ninetales used Hypnosis!

    The attack of Ninetales missed!

    Urugamosu used Butterfly Dance!

    Urugamosu's Sp. Att. rose!

    Urugamosu's Sp. Def. rose!

    Urugamosu's Speed rose!

    The foe's Cloyster used Shell Smash!

    The foe's Cloyster's Defense fell!

    The foe's Cloyster's Sp. Def. fell!

    The foe's Cloyster's Attack sharply rose!

    The foe's Cloyster's Sp. Att. sharply rose!

    The foe's Cloyster's Speed sharply rose!

    The foe's Chansey used Healing Wave!

    The foe's Cloyster regained health!

    The sunlight is strong!

    Tr1sK3Li0n: this team isnt that good, still testing

    0660: I see

    Start of turn 2

    Tr1sK3Li0n called Chansey back!

    Tr1sK3Li0n sent out Roobushin!

    Urugamosu used Butterfly Dance!

    Urugamosu's Sp. Att. rose!

    Urugamosu's Sp. Def. rose!

    Urugamosu's Speed rose!

    The foe's Cloyster used Shell Blade!

    It's super effective!

    Urugamosu lost 236 HP! (75% of its health)

    Urugamosu's Defense fell!

    Ninetales used Roar!

    The foe's Urugamosu was dragged out!

    The sunlight is strong!

    Urugamosu restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 3

    Urugamosu used Fire Blast!

    The foe's Roobushin lost 100% of its health!

    The foe's Zoroaaku fainted!

    The foe's Urugamosu used Butterfly Dance!

    The foe's Urugamosu's Sp. Att. rose!

    The foe's Urugamosu's Sp. Def. rose!

    The foe's Urugamosu's Speed rose!

    Ninetales used Overheat!

    The attack of Ninetales missed!

    The sunlight is strong!

    Urugamosu restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Tr1sK3Li0n sent out Cloyster!

    Start of turn 4

    Urugamosu used Fire Blast!

    The foe's Urugamosu lost 100% of its health!

    The foe's Urugamosu fainted!

    Ninetales used Hypnosis!

    The foe's Cloyster fell asleep!

    The foe's Cloyster ate its Lum Berry!

    The foe's Cloyster's status cleared!

    The foe's Cloyster used Shell Smash!

    The foe's Cloyster's Defense fell!

    The foe's Cloyster's Sp. Def. fell!

    The foe's Cloyster's Attack sharply rose!

    The foe's Cloyster's Sp. Att. sharply rose!

    The foe's Cloyster's Speed sharply rose!

    The sunlight is strong!

    Urugamosu restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Tr1sK3Li0n sent out Chansey!

    Start of turn 5

    Urugamosu used Bug Buzz!

    The foe's Cloyster lost 100% of its health!

    The foe's Cloyster fainted!

    Ninetales used Hypnosis!

    The attack of Ninetales missed!

    The foe's Chansey used Healing Wave!

    Urugamosu regained health!

    The sunlight is strong!

    Urugamosu restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Tr1sK3Li0n sent out Roobushin!

    0660: Shiiit, This HAS to be uber

    Tr1sK3Li0n: ?

    0660: Urugamosu

    0660: Butterfly Dance is just too good

    Tr1sK3Li0n: he's uber?

    0660: Nah

    0660: He should be though

    Tr1sK3Li0n: should be :L

    Start of turn 6

    Urugamosu used Fire Blast!

    The foe's Roobushin lost 100% of its health!

    The foe's Roobushin fainted!

    Ninetales used Hypnosis!

    The foe's Chansey fell asleep!

    The foe's Chansey is fast asleep!

    The sunlight is strong!

    Urugamosu restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Tr1sK3Li0n sent out Latios!

    Start of turn 7

    0660 called Ninetales back!

    0660 sent out Venusaur!

    Urugamosu used Bug Buzz!

    It's super effective!

    The foe's Latios lost 100% of its health!

    The foe's Latios fainted!

    The foe's Chansey woke up!

    The foe's Chansey used Seismic Toss!

    Urugamosu lost 100 HP! (32% of its health)

    The sunlight is strong!

    Urugamosu restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

    Start of turn 8

    Urugamosu used Fire Blast!

    The foe's Chansey lost 90% of its health!

    Venusaur used SolarBeam!

    The foe's Chansey lost 10% of its health!

    The foe's Chansey fainted!

    0660 won the battle!

    0660: Thanks for the match.

    Tr1sK3Li0n: Damn.....

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