I wanted to make this thread for anyone who wants to contribute Pokemon Black and White Pokemon Exclusively. I see potential in helping the B&W players who in other means can't obtain these Regular in game Pokemon or for those who might need them for Natures, Genders, Stats , Pokedex Etc...
Rules to Contribute:
1.Please Share only "In-Game Pokemon". Examples of In-Game: Any regular Pokemon found and that can be caught in B&W, In-game trades, In-game gift Pokemon, Eggs,.
legit Shinies, Starters, legendary Pokemon. You can share GTS obtained B&W In-game Pokemon since it it's hard to get hacked pokemon there (but not Impossibe. So please check.)
2. Please list anything relevant to the Pokemon : Gender,Nature, how obtained, and what version it's from and anything relevant. the order is not Important.
Ex: Wannapu Male Lax (B) , Mijumaru Egg hatched Male. Pokabu GTS male. This way it helps others download what they look for. All not mandatory but would help.
3.If it's from an English patch Please say so to avoid any problems the regular Version user might have. Ex: "Tsutaja EngPatch Male".
4.All Contributed Pokemon must be legit. No hacks or anything caught by cheating. Must be Legal, Some users will want these for competitive battling etc..
Also please feel free to share your pokemon even if the pokemon have already been posted, The more the better everyone is looking for certain Natures , Stats, Genders etc
Lastly please keep the Disscussion only To the CONTRIBUTION, please don't clutter with any problems/questions you might have about something else. use the search button or PM methods. Guested has an EYE on You
Many thanks to Guested for Approving of this Thread and Adjustment and to all the contributers.
Here is my 1st contribution:
Reshiram (B) Naive.pkm
Chaobuu Lonely (B).pkm
Zorua Lax Male (B).pkm