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Everything posted by Makomo

  1. I guess it does depend on the ID. because I have different save files saved before I obtained the event on both B&W. For Black I got all the same Pokemon over and over (on one ID Trying soft reset after getting the egg and obtaining the egg again on MG reloading the save before I got the MG)and still it was "Kibago". I don't know if it makes a difference but It was a female Player. On the other White game Saves I got Yanappu and Mamepato (With different ID's) as Male players btw all same IP/ID name different ID numbers.
  2. Here is two that are on the wanted list. DWmale Sentret (frisk).pkm DW female Sunkern (Solar Power).pkm
  3. I edited some of the Contribution rules to avoid confusion. Here is my next contribution. Edit: Thanks so much WindSlayer this will surely help others out. and Gallade WindSlayers post answers your question. Daikenki (GTS male).pkm Ranpuraa (Gts Female).pkm Aaken (Gts Male).pkm Yanappu Male(B).pkm
  4. I wanted to make this thread for anyone who wants to contribute Pokemon Black and White Pokemon Exclusively. I see potential in helping the B&W players who in other means can't obtain these Regular in game Pokemon or for those who might need them for Natures, Genders, Stats , Pokedex Etc... Rules to Contribute: 1.Please Share only "In-Game Pokemon". Examples of In-Game: Any regular Pokemon found and that can be caught in B&W, In-game trades, In-game gift Pokemon, Eggs,. legit Shinies, Starters, legendary Pokemon. You can share GTS obtained B&W In-game Pokemon since it it's hard to get hacked pokemon there (but not Impossibe. So please check.) 2. Please list anything relevant to the Pokemon : Gender,Nature, how obtained, and what version it's from and anything relevant. the order is not Important. Ex: Wannapu Male Lax (B) , Mijumaru Egg hatched Male. Pokabu GTS male. This way it helps others download what they look for. All not mandatory but would help. 3.If it's from an English patch Please say so to avoid any problems the regular Version user might have. Ex: "Tsutaja EngPatch Male". 4.All Contributed Pokemon must be legit. No hacks or anything caught by cheating. Must be Legal, Some users will want these for competitive battling etc.. Also please feel free to share your pokemon even if the pokemon have already been posted, The more the better everyone is looking for certain Natures , Stats, Genders etc Lastly please keep the Disscussion only To the CONTRIBUTION, please don't clutter with any problems/questions you might have about something else. use the search button or PM methods. Guested has an EYE on You Many thanks to Guested for Approving of this Thread and Adjustment and to all the contributers. Here is my 1st contribution: Reshiram (B) Naive.pkm Chaobuu Lonely (B).pkm Zorua Lax Male (B).pkm
  5. Here is a"Taillow" that is not yet uploaded yet. And a JP ver of Surskit. Hope it helps. I have some More gotta talk to the tree I'll post em soon. Buzz I know it was a typo it's "Makomo" not "Makono" ! DW male Surskit (JP).pkm DW male Taillow.pkm
  6. Here is My 1st contribution. This is my 2nd time using Pokegen so please correct me if anything. I also went by the still needed pokemon list, and I've seen people upload some of these but I can't tell if there male or female. so here goes. I guess the more the Merrier for stats etc etc DWFemale Doduo.pkm DWmale Shinx.pkm DWmale Tangela.pkm
  7. Yeah...I didn't see them in the beginning so I edited thought they where just thumbnails...so I didn't download. then I got an IM telling me they where there. I am NEW please forgive my Ignorance. lol
  8. I know. and everyone was all hyped up about this. well.. I am greatful we got the .pkm files that alone is a huge accomplishment. Edit: anyways I hope others who got them post there Eeveelutions .Sav up for us, I'll even post mine as soon as Figure how to get it out in a sample .SAV I made.
  9. Found out this somewhere Q: "I can’t put my Pokemon to sleep/it won’t let me. A: You can only put a Pokemon to sleep once a day. It resets at midnight (your DS time). You also cannot put a Pokemon to sleep on the same day that you change the DS time and/or date to prevent potential abuse. Maybe that could be it. I changed my DS also and it gave me the error maybe because the DS had a different time?
  10. It means you gotta wait one more day. My ds froze (accidently moved it hard) While I was putting a pokemon to sleep, Then I tried again and it said the same thing as yours eventhough I never transfered the pokemon.I also know Croagunk has 2 different abilities you can get and you get 1 of them. but I would like to know if I have to put a pokemon to sleep then wake it and then go wireless to the dream forest to encounter Croagunk? Buzz The file worked! thanks so much!
  11. That's actually a way better idea. I just thought you guys wanted to keep them like this that's why I said that. I love this site You guys Have made an Awesome Job!
  12. That's why I asked before I used any I loaded Igglybuff and Surskit and they where in english (maybe other people should mention there from patch?). I don't mean to upset anyone, I am sorry if I did that was not my intention. Buzz thanks so much for the Code for croagunk YOU'RE AWESOME! couldn't find it anywhere!. oh by the way since you got the password for croagunk would you have the kanto Starter passwords too? regardless thanks and again sorry. Edit: got mixed up with another poster earlier (english pkm) lol Edit: the lickitung and Poochyena both have RED cherish balls after being transfered. oddish has pokeball. is this a glitch in my game or what? Edit: I copied my Save file and I think it's probably pokesav Doing this...turning dreamballs to Cherish balls? I'll Try PokeGen
  13. Makomo


    Hi! Just joined this forum because a friend told me how cool this place was . I was also a Frequent Lurker for a long time and finally decided to join.
  14. I am sorry to sound rude... but what is the point of this? there all the same as the event pokemon we have on the Event Contributions. Unless they have different values when transferred on shifter...I dunno I compared both old and poke-shifted files and they look the same to me. oh ok Nvm then Thanks for the info I guess this will be very helpful thx to the OP
  15. Hi there thanks for the PKM uploads Just wanted to ask why are the names of some in English? I thought in the Japanese games you can only have 5 characters...(atleast on the Japanese pokemon). well I was planning on putting some in my retail save But then I seen the long English names I had to ask...I don't want my pokemon to look hacked...Just asking. and Also are some of the pokemon supposed to have Cherish balls? Lickitung and another one had a cherish ball on them sorry if I sound like a pain with the questions I haven't had time to play on DW much...
  16. I think there should be a Pokemon Black and White Gen V EVENT section to post all the events including , dream , shifter etc all in one place not mixed with the old gen (they each have their own section). I dunno just a thought. sorry if I bothered. Edit : I do know there is a Gen V section but all the Black and white events are mixed in the 4th gen section.
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