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Duncan Idaho

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About Duncan Idaho

  • Birthday 09/26/1989
  1. i cant, sorry for the late reply, i had some business to take care off and today i could log in onto my laptop, no i cannot ping pokegen.projectpokemon.org ok this is odd seems my topic dissapeared from the forums O_o
  2. i am convinced something is going on with the server, yersteday i could download once the file, then i couldnt do so anymore, today is the same i cant download from this link http://pokegen.projectpokemon.org/download.php?id=7 but i can from this one http://pkm.reignofcomputer.com/PokeGen_305.zip
  3. Thanks!, this one works, i had a friend download it for me from the link of the stickied topic, it seems the server blocks all ip's that arent north american or canadian, i live in south america so this much i can guess ok now stuff is even more odd, i clicked the first link you posted and now it works O_o
  4. OK i just discovered something new also it seems i can download the files attached to the posts i just tested it with the french version, any could attach please to a post the newest version of pokegen, but idk if the mods are looking onto this anymore
  5. news Error 105 (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED): No se puede resolver la dirección DNS del servidor. chrome is now telling me that
  6. there arent any mirrors? i will try shutting down avast for a minute to see if it's web protection shield is screwing with the connection EDIT: Avast is not the issue, does the server has some kind of block againts latin america or wanred users (i got a warning about two years ago i dunno if that matters) Also i logged on my other Pc, same issue still happens, can any one please tell me if i can download this from an other link?
  7. dead link, i am posting some pictures, but my 3 browsers return me "adress cannot be found", and yes i was clicking that one
  8. Hello, i am trying to download pokegen from the stickied topic but whenever i click on the download link fire fox, chrome and opera tell me the link cannot be found, is the link down or i am the only one downloading the problem? and finally are there any mirrors to the download?
  9. let me try again, but im betting it wont work, i've been using the vivid boy hack of ysmenu that actually runs the japanese ones w/o AP
  10. sadly i dont live in the us, i have to check the price, which im betting is not under 300.000 bucks
  11. well after reading the guides i need to say that nor the V1 or V2 or Betas work via ysmenu on any clones of the R4, the only thing that runs this is wood r4
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