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Posts posted by Squid

  1. Downloaded the new patch. Playing from the beginning.

    The battle text in the first battle with Cheren has a typo - relie should be rely.

    Also, after the battle, it still says "You was right" when it should be "You were right"

    When you talk to your mom outside of Prof Araragi's house, she says you will have many fun, which doesn't really make sense

    There was another typo somewhere, but I forgot where and what it was xD

    Also, the bit where you receive the pokedex (The line that actually says you got it) is in Japanese

    If you go back to talk to your mom, after learning how to catch pokemon, to get healed she is speaking Japanese

    Bel asks you if you've caught any pokemon, if you have and say yes, her response is in Japanese. So is what Cheren says.

    The live caster call is in Japanese

    When you've caught a pokemon, if it's pokedex entry is longer than one page (Minezumi, for example) it cuts off, and you can't read it all.

  2. Right before you absolute very first battle, Bel says "Come one" instead of "Come on"

    And right after the fight, she says "worse then" and it should be "worse than"

    Cheren says "I'll better heal" when it should be "I better heal"

    After the second battle, Cheren says "You was right Belle", which has two problems. The grammar should be "You were right" but also, the name is inconsistent. Bel was used earlier.

    (As someone else said, these are just minor spelling issues. Feel free to ignore me)

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