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Posts posted by jxthemafia

  1. I'm using multiple translators for the harder stuff, but this one is pretty good.


    The files in 0000 are the same as 0001, but 0001 has them in Kanji. If you're using a translator, translate the Kanji, and then edit the corresponding file in 0000. The Kanji is easier for translators to understand, but it still won't give everything word for word. It only gives the main points, so you;re gonna have to get creative when you edit the files.

    bro ur totally r8 the kanji text translated makes very much sense.man thts a great discovery.anyways im goin to bed its 1.00am here

  2. either that jx, or apply the translator you've been using to 0016.txt and then correct ALL of its typos. trust me, if you can't make sense of that then you dont deserve to be on a pokemon forum xP

    the difference between flinching, nightmares and love is still inaccurate too btw in v3.

    ok bro 1st things first im new to translation ok my bad if i translated somthin wrong

    2nd thing who r u to tell me if i deserve to be on a pokemon forum or not.as a fan i still tried to do something if it went in the wrong direction i can only apologize for it.

  3. I have a job for you jxthemafia; play the game and make me a list of spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and typos. =D

    Try and be as detailed as possible when describing where said typo/etc is.

    sorry my bad i did the best i could i found a japanese website where u can translate it.i thought it might be better but thnk u for checking it though.man this s......oh what the heck

  4. Google translate fails on the non-translated parts.


    でんどういり おめでとう!
    ゲームクリア おめでとう!
    The game is being saved.\xfffeDo not turn off the power.
    \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000\xfffesaved the game!
    レポートが かけませんでした

    I'll translate anything that show's up in game and I can figure it out. I just wanted the save menu done, as you see it often.

    above the game saving the text is

    Congratulations on [dendouiri].


    Congratulations on a clear game.

    i dnt knw if its correct or not ive done it with this link


  5. jxthemafia; it's not entirely unusable... but honestly; sometimes decoding google translated things is harder than actually translating it, haha.


    High Link

    Live Caster

    Union Room

    To do

    ワイヤレスはいしん (I don't know... haishin means betrayal but wireless betrayal makes no sense...)






    ここまでの かつやくを\xfffeポケモンレポートに かきこみますか? (it's beyond my ability to make sense of this haha.)

    Please Wait.... Saving your game.

    Starting C-Gear



    Connecting High-Link ...

    High Link Guest:

    High Link Mission

    ok now ive translated this from another website tell me if its better or not bcz i think it makes sense.the problem is it translated it in the form of a paragraph here it is

    A high link Anchor live broadcasting A union room I am not similar Wireless (send, deliver) Available Unavailable Yes No I come back Do you bolt it in At the same time anther Pokemon report to here? Save it; please wait for a while A C gear catch Available Unavailable High link connect ... A high link guest: A high link mission

  6. Actually, most of the translators doing the work know how to read Japanese.

    ahan thanks spenstar for ur valuable information.hmmmm not to pull some threads i had a dvd like learning japanese with i dnt knwwhat name it was there u were able to get translation like in normal coversation not word by word machine translation actual human translation i dnt even knw wht this human translation means but gonna try and then post a test piece

  7. It's legible but not quite localized/translated to something we can use, we try and avoid using machine generated translations we only use them as a reference. Also that's story related I'm not working with that right now. But at least now we know what that file is haha thanks.

    Question how r u people translating these files im goin to bed gonna wake up early PM me hw u people r translating i mcould help by pulling some threads........till morning bye

  8. Xf000?x0000 player xf000?x0001x0000

    The nationwide Pokemon picture book that proves distinguished services of great xfffexf000?x0000 that captures all Pokemons xfffexf000?x0000 in the xf000?x0000 [isshu] provinces in praise xfffexf000?x0000 [kokoni] and distinguished services of great xfffe that completes xfffe excellent praise xfffe here, the proven nationwide Pokemon of player xf000?x0001x0000 of xf000?x0000 game freak xfffexf000?x0000 staff everyone xf000?x0001x0000 game freak xfffexf000?x0001x0000 staff everyone picture book is proven and distinguished services of great xfffe that completes xfffe excellent are proven praise xfffe here.

    and this is the one i translated from kanji website now which one is better translated i need a reply so tht i can complete the maximum work in 2 days bcz then i hve to go for a job interview

    hey kurasso and the other professionals help.tell me tht wht i translated was correct or not its 1.00 am here no worries i can still like wake up at 9.00 am and thn start the translation like hell so please reply

    • 1-Xf000?x0000 player xf000?x0001x0000
    • 2-Praise xfffexf000?x0000 [kokoni] proves distinguished services of great xfffexf000?x0000 that captures all Pokemons xfffexf000?x0000 in the xf000?x0000 [isshu] provinces.
    • 3-The nationwide Pokemon picture book is proven and distinguished services of great xfffe that completes xfffe excellent are proven praise xfffe here.
    • 4-Xf000?x0000 game freak xfffexf000?x0000 staff everyone
    • 5-Player xf000?x0001x0000
    • 6-Xf000?x0001x0000 game freak xfffexf000?x0001x0000 staff everyone
    • 7-The nationwide Pokemon picture book is proven and distinguished services of great xfffe that completes xfffe excellent are proven praise xfffe here.

    just windering if this text i translated was correct.i translated the one just to check if its correct the file is


    i hve translated this text using google translate i also used an kanji translator website it translated it also but the form of the google translate was better

    Xf000?x0000 player xf000?x0001x0000

    The nationwide Pokemon picture book that proves distinguished services of great xfffexf000?x0000 that captures all Pokemons xfffexf000?x0000 in the xf000?x0000 [isshu] provinces in praise xfffexf000?x0000 [kokoni] and distinguished services of great xfffe that completes xfffe excellent praise xfffe here, the proven nationwide Pokemon of player xf000?x0001x0000 of xf000?x0000 game freak xfffexf000?x0000 staff everyone xf000?x0001x0000 game freak xfffexf000?x0001x0000 staff everyone picture book is proven and distinguished services of great xfffe that completes xfffe excellent are proven praise xfffe here.

    and this is the one i translated from kanji website now which one is better translated i need a reply so tht i can complete the maximum work in 2 days bcz then i hve to go for a job interview

    • 1-Xf000?x0000 player xf000?x0001x0000
    • 2-Praise xfffexf000?x0000 [kokoni] proves distinguished services of great xfffexf000?x0000 that captures all Pokemons xfffexf000?x0000 in the xf000?x0000 [isshu] provinces.
    • 3-The nationwide Pokemon picture book is proven and distinguished services of great xfffe that completes xfffe excellent are proven praise xfffe here.
    • 4-Xf000?x0000 game freak xfffexf000?x0000 staff everyone
    • 5-Player xf000?x0001x0000
    • 6-Xf000?x0001x0000 game freak xfffexf000?x0001x0000 staff everyone
    • 7-The nationwide Pokemon picture book is proven and distinguished services of great xfffe that completes xfffe excellent are proven praise xfffe here.

    just windering if this text i translated was correct.i translated the one just to check if its correct the file is


    i hve translated this text using google translate i also used an kanji translator website it translated it also but the form of the google translate was better

  9. People hey hows it goin first of all thank u Kuraaso and all the other members that helped in translating it so far.i still have till 4th october before start of my university classes.now my question kurasso i want to help with the translation has anyone started on the story yet if not tell as im free and all day home i can put maximum work into this anyone who wants to help me PM me

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