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About Fusion

  • Birthday 02/10/1994
  1. Every time I transfer a pokemon to my pokemon white they are missing their natures.What am i doing wrong? and is there a way to transfer PKM from game to pc on this thing?
  2. when i do that I wind up with a communication error i wanting to put a number of event manaphys in my pokemon white
  3. ok then can u put a vullaby on here then?
  4. can someone please tell me how to do the gts Distribution for myself on my pokemon white????????I'm getting tired of asking this....
  5. how do i connect my Pokemon Whiteto my computer's Hyper GTS? or IR-GTS? If not those 2 what GTS distributor should I use?
  6. how do i get the program for gts cracking for black and white?
  7. ok I got Hypergts to work with my computer but I still kinda fuzzy on how to send pkms from game to pc with hypergts will someone please enlighten me? i would like to get rid of ir-gts forever
  8. ok ive been trying to reconnect my ds and computer but every time I do it says plug in to your ds dns server and when i put my ip address in when I go to the gts and it says u cannot enter the gts at this time or something like that what am I doing wrong?BTW im using IR-GTS
  9. possibly last question if say I wanted to make a team over this application would I be able to make the PKMs over pokesav?
  10. also i used some of the pkm files the the event pokemon database on the front page of projectpokemon and some of them came through the GTS as egg pokemon........am i doing something wrong or should I just hatch the eggs?
  11. uh......i have a problem with my IR-GTS every time i get my DNS to work I transfer like 5 pkms and my DNS screws up and I can't get the connection to work till like 30 minutes later is thre something im doing wrong?
  12. a couple of things id like to clear up.... for those who think that using an ARDSI is a code problem......it isn't any code that works on the regular Ar will work on ARDSI You can EV train even after ur pokemon has reached level 100 ur pokemon may not gain exp. but it will still gain EVs until the limit of 510 is reached I have personally tesed this theory myself on heartgold i had a Garchomp that was able to get 2 extra EVs and I battle a Pokemon for 2 Defense EVs to check the EV availability with the code EV/IV checker L or R long time no hear from me huh? if you need help with codes i have a lot of codes for HGSS if I don't have the code I will look it up for you
  13. and 1E stands for 30 in the IV mod if you want to take that route instead of just giving ur pokemon 0 IV for stats
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