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Everything posted by Sirwillis04

  1. So, to everyone who his having problems with 'naming' and all that junk, just go use PokeSav. I don't condone the level mods, but you can at least make the pokemon names up to 10 characters... Should make you happy, right? http://gbatemp.net/t256531-pokesav-translation-with-upcoming-mods (This is Totodile's translation) http://gbatemp.net/t256369-clonecharizard-s-pokesav-black-white-translation (This is CloneCharizard's translation) Other than that, I have started a new game and haven't found errors that haven't previously been mentioned, and I have encountered no bugs so far. The titlescreen graphics look great and I'm really looking forward to PC navigation menus... Good work on V3, guys!
  2. Yeah, and I must admit it really gets quite confusing at times, all the 'ji's and 'kana's and stuff. Haha. Also, I've noticed that text wrapping is broken on move descriptions. May want to fix that.
  3. Hate to break it to you, but you're getting Romaji and Kanji confused. Romaji is just romanized Japanese, Kanji is a different writing style of Jap. Check it yourself, the new moves/pokes are still Romaji. Now, there are no new names for the pokemon, but the moves can still be literally translated into English.
  4. Yeah, it sort of does, and to be honest I'm quite happy with it telling me it does.
  5. That defeats the purpose of it being a translation doesn't it?
  6. Uh, it's probably because there's a longer read time on 8GB. If you tried it with a 4GB/2GB it doesn't freeze or at least has less chance (because it acts more like a DS [due to the DS having fast read times]). I've had HOURS of STRAIGHT playtime on the English patched ROM. Back on topic, after fixing the evolution problem it all seems to be fine. Haven't come across any typos either, but what would be nice is translating all the 5th gen moves, instead of having them in Romaji.
  7. Perhaps that should be in the main post, in super huge bold words?
  8. Just got distracted with a Hoenn/Kanto/Johto swarm. As for evolution hang? Seems like it's fixed!
  9. Testing new patch now (B2), will report back on evolution hang.
  10. Yeah, I realise that now, it's just that's what it sounded like... What with there being no expression through typed words. And I agree, it's frickin' amazing! EDIT: wrong 'there'.
  11. I'm guessing because it's a new move? Could have used Serebii or something though (as he has all the new moves translated). But don't complain about it, at least you get to know what the move is. LOL.
  12. Confirmed freeze on M3DS Real as well. Just for clarification, the game does NOT freeze, the text string freezes. You can repeatedly push A but nothing will happen.
  13. I agree, you can't just leave a patch for Black and expect the White players to make do. Please guys?
  14. Yeah, it just screws up White version and makes it start with a (ironically) white screen. Sigh, all the people playing Black instead.
  15. Uh, will this work with White version? EDIT: Nvm, I'll have a go with it.
  16. Uh, you're going to need to wait for someone (a.k.a. the leaders of this project) to re-insert the text files back into the ROM, and then create the patch, which you then download and use xdelta (presumably, unless it's IPS) to patch your ROM. Of course, if you know how to re-insert the files yourself without a patch (which I don't), then you wouldn't have to wait.
  17. You can use pokesav for this: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QZ2J7QWO It's not really something that translators work on, as it's more of a game mechanic/script etc, rather than text file that needs translating.
  18. I just made an account so that I could see the title images (and I was lurking)... To be honest, something so in-depth is definitely worth waiting for, and I can see that you guys are doing an absolutely amazing job. I'm just offering the support from an ex-Japanese language person, because sadly due to my high school education my Japanese has degraded. Keep up the fantastic work, guys!
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