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Everything posted by Iamlegit

  1. Works Like a Charm On dstwo!!! Thanks Guys and Translators! Keep going
  2. Hmm! So What's V1? A story Translation or is it Just fixes for the Battle and menus Etc?!!
  3. Do we have to Use the Evo Patch? or is it for Certain people?
  4. Anyone know how to continue The Game on a Save file with the english patch? Please and thanks!
  5. Patching the Save file won't work also the Main title at start isn't translated! Thought it was supposed to be!
  6. Gahh it works! But i have to start a new game? Or do i patch the Save file to continue? But thanks and PLEASE answer! I LOVE YOU !
  7. Guys at this rate And with all the people helping, We should expect the first patch roughly at maybe two days from now! That's an estimate could be sooner or a bit later as I am not 100% Sure but it's near
  8. Hay Kaarosu! How's the Patch going? Also you other guys making other language patches aswell? If so that's awesome! rather then only doing English, people Have heart!
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