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About lowseylos

  • Birthday 05/25/1993
  1. Pokemon Species: aggron Held Item: metal coat Level: 100 Ability: sturdy Nickname (If wanted): Trainer ID (If specific): random Secret ID (If specific): random Shiny (Yes or No): yes Egg (Yes or No): yes Nature: adment Pokérus Status: cured Pokéball Captured In: pokeball attacks: hydro pump, metal burst, hyper beam, earthquake IV Stats: max Ribbons (If any):all Location/Date Met: pokemon center Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): pokemon center 10/12/10 i dont have action replay
  2. porygon z level:100 stats: max naure: adment shiny: yes ability: download attacks: hyper beam giga impact pychic tri attack i dont have action replay egg: no location arrived from sinnoh OT: PAPA ID: random OT'S gender: male pokemons gender: whatever can someone please reply kingdra level:100 stats: max naure: adment shiny: yes ability: water absorb attacks: hydro cannon draco meoteor outrage hydro pump i dont have action replay egg: no location arrived from heon OT: PAPA ID: random OT'S gender: male pokemons gender: male
  3. im looking for a vaporeon adment 100 egg:no met at trophy garden moves: sheer cold hydro cannon hydro pump and aqua jet shiny:yes ives max contests max
  4. Pokemon: Duskinoir Held Item: reaper cloth Level:100 Ability: presure Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): papa Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific):random Secret ID (If specific):random Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No):yes Egg (Yes or No):yes Nature:adment Attacks:dark viod shadow sneek dark pulse shadow ball PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats:max IV Stats:max EV Stats:max Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met:none Level Met At:1 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): pokrmon center random time Happiness:max Contest Stats:max i dont have ar For what game (required for AR code):,HG SIZE]
  5. Pokemon:charizard Held Item:life orb Level:100 Abilityvergrow Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT)apa Trainer Gender (If specific):male Trainer ID (If specific):random Secret ID (If specific):random Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No):yes Egg (Yes or No):yes Nature:adment Attacks: seismec toss, blastburn ,sacred fire,and draco meoter PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: cured Pokéball Captured pokeball Battle Stats: max IV Stats:max EV Stats:max Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Metokemon center Level Met At:1 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg)pokemon center Happiness:max Contest Stats:max i dont have an action replay For what game (required for AR code): heartgold
  6. Pokemon:Venasuar Held Item:life orb Level:100 Abilityvergrow Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT)apa Trainer Gender (If specific):male Trainer ID (If specific):random Secret ID (If specific):random Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No):yes Egg (Yes or No):yes Nature:adment Attacks: leef storm,frenzyplant,poisonsting,solarbeam PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: cured Pokéball Captured Inokeball Battle Stats: max IV Stats:max EV Stats:max Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Metokemon center Level Met At:1 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg)okemon center Happiness:max Contest Stats:max i dont have an action replay For what game (required for AR code): heartgold Pokemon: Noctowl Held Item:rarecandy Level:100 Ability: keen eye Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT)apa Trainer Gender (If specific): boy Trainer ID (If specific):random Secret ID (If specific):random Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No):yes Egg (Yes or No):yes Nature:adment Attacks:brave bird sky attack thunder hypnosis PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: Cured Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats:max IV Stats:max EV Stats:max Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Metokemon ceter Level Met At:1 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg)okemon center Happiness:max Contest Stats:max i dont have action replay For what game (required for AR code): heartgold Pokemon: Nidoqueen Held Item: rare candy Level: 100 Ability:rivalry Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT)apa Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific):random Secret ID (If specific):random Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No):yes Egg (Yes or No):yes Nature:adment Attacks: hyper beam ice beam earthquake draco meoteor PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured Inokeball Battle Stats:max IV Stats:max EV Stats:max Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Metokemon center Level Met At:1 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg)okemon center Happiness:max Contest Stats:max i dont have an action replay For what game (required for AR code): heartgold Pokemon: Creselia Held Item:rare candy Level:100 Abilityressure Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT)apa Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific):random Secret ID (If specific):random Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No):yes Egg (Yes or No):no Nature:adment Attacks: lunar dance dark void draco meteor and phycic PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: ultra Battle Stats:max IV Stats:max EV Stats:max Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Met: arrived from sinnoh Level Met At:100 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): arrived from sinnoh Happiness:max Contest Stats:max i dont have action replay For what game (required for AR code): heartgold
  7. Pokemon:Venasuar Held Item:life orb Level:100 Ability:overgrow Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):papa Trainer Gender (If specific):male Trainer ID (If specific):random Secret ID (If specific):random Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No):yes Egg (Yes or No):yes Nature:adment Attacks: leef storm,frenzyplant,poisonsting,solarbeam PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: cured Pokéball Captured In:pokeball Battle Stats: max IV Stats:max EV Stats:max Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Met:pokemon center Level Met At:1 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg):pokemon center Happiness:max Contest Stats:max i dont have an action replay For what game (required for AR code): heartgold Pokemon: Noctowl Held Item:rarecandy Level:100 Ability: keen eye Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):papa Trainer Gender (If specific): boy Trainer ID (If specific):random Secret ID (If specific):random Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No):yes Egg (Yes or No):yes Nature:adment Attacks:brave bird sky attack thunder hypnosis PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: Cured Pokéball Captured In: pokeball Battle Stats:max IV Stats:max EV Stats:max Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Met:pokemon ceter Level Met At:1 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg):pokemon center Happiness:max Contest Stats:max i dont have action replay For what game (required for AR code): heartgold Pokemon: Nidoqueen Held Item: rare candy Level: 100 Ability:rivalry Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):papa Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific):random Secret ID (If specific):random Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No):yes Egg (Yes or No):yes Nature:adment Attacks: hyper beam ice beam earthquake draco meoteor PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In:pokeball Battle Stats:max IV Stats:max EV Stats:max Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Met:pokemon center Level Met At:1 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg):pokemon center Happiness:max Contest Stats:max i dont have an action replay For what game (required for AR code): heartgold Pokemon: Creselia Held Item:rare candy Level:100 Ability:pressure Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):papa Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific):random Secret ID (If specific):random Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No):yes Egg (Yes or No):no Nature:adment Attacks: lunar dance dark void draco meteor and phycic PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: Infected Pokéball Captured In: ultra Battle Stats:max IV Stats:max EV Stats:max Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Met: arrived from sinnoh Level Met At:100 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): arrived from sinnoh Happiness:max Contest Stats:max i dont have action replay For what game (required for AR code): heartgold reply please :biggrin:
  8. lol ok thanx im on ok so pm me wenever i will be on for a while
  9. can you make them for me?
  10. no i want some one to make it for me becouse i dont have action replay so i will give them stuff for the pokemon itsself i dont care about the Nature, Ability, Held Item (if any), Trainer Info, IV's, EV's and Level
  11. Pokemon:celebi Held Item: lleaf stone Level:100 Ability:wonder guard ot:spyx Trainer Gender: male Pokemon Gender (If specific):doesnt have one Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: adament Attacks: seed flare leaf storm leaf blade frenzy plant PP (max or normal): max Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Statu:s cured Pokéball Captured In:cherish Battle Stats:max IV Stats:max EV Stats:max Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Met:ilex forest Level Met At:30 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Happiness:max Contest Stats: Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code):party 1 For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum:HG Friend Code (required for Trading):3224 03237297
  12. looking for some of these celebi: leaf blad leaf storm seed flare and frenzy plant slamence:shiny:draco meteor roar of time outrage and blastburn shaymin:seed flare leaf storm frenzyplant and fly rapidash:shiny: extremespeed blastburn volt tackle and flamethrower luxray:shiny:volttackle extreme speed thunder and chargebeam mewtwo: transform extremespeed frenzy plant and hydro cannon leafeon:shiny:leaf storm leafblade frenzyplant and seedflare and umbron:shiny:dark void nightmare darkpulse shadowball please reply :eek:
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