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Everything posted by Pokeholic

  1. Is there a code that let's me encounter any Pokemon in Entree Forest? EDIT: Also, can someone convert these codes to US White 2? Rebattle Heatran (Start+Select): 94000130 FFF30000 A222560C FFFD0000 DA000000 0222560C D4000000 0000FFFE D7000000 0222560C D2000000 00000000 Rebattle Cresselia (Start+Select) 94000130 FFF30000 A222560A FFFD0000 DA000000 0222560A D4000000 0000FFFE D7000000 0222560A D2000000 00000000
  2. I didn't know the legendary muskateers can be found at level 65. Where can the level 65 versions be found?
  3. Thanks for the codes. They're working perfectly. Can you convert this code to US?: Mark a Pokemon to change the Poke Ball used to catch it: 5201E688 BDF873B4 0201E688 FABAF7E3 D0000000 00000000 02001C00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001F50 76C820XX Change XX to any digit from 00 to 19.
  4. Great working codes. Can you convert these codes to US?: Reobtain Starter Pokemon (Start + Select) 94000130 FFF70000 A22258DE FFBF0000 DA000000 022258DE D4000000 0000FFC0 D7000000 022258DE D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFF70000 A2225666 FFF70000 DA000000 02225666 D4000000 0000FFF8 D7000000 02225666 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFF70000 A2225666 FFFB0000 DA000000 02225666 D4000000 0000FFFC D7000000 02225666 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFF70000 92225666 FFFE0000 DA000000 02225666 D4000000 00000001 D7000000 02225666 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 922258DE FFBF0000 DA000000 022258DE D4000000 00000040 D7000000 022258DE D2000000 00000000 Reobtain Zorua (Start + Select) 94000130 FFF30000 A22258A6 FFFD0000 DA000000 022258A6 D4000000 0000FFFE D7000000 022258A6 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFF30000 A22258DA FBFF0000 DA000000 022258DA D4000000 0000FC00 D7000000 022258DA D2000000 00000000 Mark a Pokemon to change their Ability: 5201E688 BDF873B4 0201E688 FABAF7E3 D0000000 00000000 02001C00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E04 737020XX Change XX to the desired digits. (For example, if you want CompoundEyes use 0E)
  5. Does anyone have a Pokemon marking code that makes the marked Pokemon N's Pokemon?
  6. Are there any codes to encounter any Pokemon in Entree Forest for White 2?
  7. Does anyone have any Trainer Battle Music Modifier codes for White 2.
  8. Any progress on an Ability Modifier code for English White 2?
  9. How does that code work? EDIT: Never mind. I figured it out already. Also, is there a Pokemon marking code for White 2 that makes the marked Pokemon N's Pokemon?
  10. I tried that code but Bianca still doesn't give me a starter Pokemon and when I battle my rival the game freezes after the battle.
  11. What code would that be?
  12. Does anyone have a code to recollect the starter Pokemon in White 2?
  13. Also, is there a code to recollect Zorua in White 2?
  14. Does anyone have a code to recollect Shiny Dratini in White 2?
  15. I don't know. I found the code on YouTube. Why do you ask?
  16. I found this Ability Modifier code but it's only for the Japanese version: 0201e644 fadcf7e3 020195b4 fc24f7e8 02001e00 73b4b4ff 02001ffc bdf8bcff 02001e04 737020xx If someone can find the US version of this code, thanks in advance.
  17. Actually the code works only if I hold R while entering the room where the interactive Pokemon is. Cool code. Also if I leave the room, all the interactive stuff disappears.
  18. With the Interactive Pokemon Reappear code do I have to use Fly or do I just have to take a step? I took a step but none of the interactive Pokemon reapeared.
  19. Are these for Black 2 or White 2? I only have White 2.
  20. Does anyone have a Wild Pokemon Level Modifier or a marking Pokemon Ability modifier?
  21. Does anyone have a code to change TM83's move?
  22. Does anyone have a legitimate catch Keldeo code? Or legitimate Meloetta or legitimate Genesect? Also are there codes to rebattle each of them if there are legitimate ways to catch them?
  23. Is there an event flag to catch a legitimate Keldeo? If so, are there any codes to get the item needed to get to the catch Keldeo event and to rebattle it? Meloetta & Genesect too, please?
  24. A checkbox for the C-Gear Background doesn't appear in the code generator tool nor can any C-Gear Background be copied for code generating on PokeGen. Can that be fixed?
  25. Are there any Entree Forest codes like Pokemon Befriend Modifiers?
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