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Technical Documentation
Posts posted by acehigh
What about U-Turn during regular gameplay? Does the same thing happen?
U-Turn works fine on regular gameplay for me, but not tried on wifi
Hi, having some problems, when I patch my game using Delta GUI, the size of my game file does not change, and I checked the change log and basically none of the translated things in that log are on my game, theres only a bit of english every maybe 500 lines. e.g. the first meeting with reisham the only line of english there is by cheren saying we'll hold them off then the rest is in japanese, also when you aquire the dark stone all the text outside the musuem is in japanese and all the bit before that as well, cannot reply back as I am going to school but will check this post when I get in.l
I'm having a problem with the patch, I patched the game, and the size of the game didnt change and when I play it theres pretty much no translation
This goes your way also, if anyone has nothing to contribute to the project, please refrain from posting as your covering up the post that be be helpful.
Also try not to be a ass.
Edit post, Go to "Advance", Delete post.
Also you triple posted
Lol thanks, was workin on it for a while
the custom one for Pkm black from Wood i thought
should be alright that one
Ahhh only with rudolph's V4 you can't enter to union room again on Pokemon Black, so i try to patch first with rudolph's V4, then applied translation patch an finally applied rudolph's V2 (union room) and it worked fine... only to let you know.
Thanks for the translation, you're making an excellent job in this.
why did you need to add v4 and v2?
WHats the difference between Kata and non kata V3? Is Kata with more story and such or what? A bit confused heh, are they the same otherwise?
Kata is japanese names
Maybe something stupid But my Game Freeze Every 15 Min i think
? is that normal i'm using R4 i'm sorry if this the wrong thread or place to ask about this
What firmware are you using?
There is no link in the first post. Could someone very kidnly, just paste the link below, a link that i can click on, download the file, not .rar and then play the game?Link for what?
does V3 have every V2 has e.g. exp patch?
Are the pokemons names meant to be in japanese in V3?
I have a question
How do I put both the V3 patch and Ruinaras story patch onto one Rom
Because when I patch with only one it works but when I then patch again with the other it stays stuck on a white screen
you cannot put one patch on top of another
Will try it out now my R4 now, it takes about 10 minutes to put the file onto my SD card so my feedback will take a while anyway whats your opinion on V3?
So even though when I drag my clean rom into the patch and only the bakup rom has been created and the original clean rom has not been altered at all with size or name it is still patched with the childs play?
There are several links on GBAtemp forum and I was wondering, does it matter which one I use?
Lol i just realised that aswell, anyway I was wondering I have a childs play patch thing, the file is classed as an application, and when I drag my rom into that application it just produces a BAK files what is invisible on r4 wood could anyone help me out on this, also when i patch the clean rom with the v3 the size stays the same and the when I play it all the pokemons names are in japanese.
Just wondering, does the clean rom have to be exactly 256mb to be clean as mine said that it was 256mb but when I have it in my computer it says its 262,144kb
Because they're a huge corporation, with thousands of employees, and they like to get paid. They're obviously going to keep tabs on anything that might cause them to make less money, like a translation.
Sony keeps very close tabs on the PSP hacking scene, and I'm sure Nintendo does the same for the DS.
I don't know if it's illegal or not, but I do know that many a translation project has been shut down by a cease and desist letter from a corporation.
Sounds like they get pretty serious, but maybe they choose to do nothing as they think it might promote the game, i.e. if people download the game and play the translated version they may be more convinced to buy the real one
I doubt that they would do anything about this or even know about this, I mean why would they even search for it?
It'll be released around March, and by how things are coming along, I say there will be a full release by late December or early January.
Thats pretty impressive, of corse this version will be 10 times more awesome then the standard though
Pokemon B/W is released in spring right, am I being too optimistic in thinking there will be a full translation before than?
I found one in 5seconds.
You have PM.
LMAO ironically I found the same one exactly the same time just a bit b4 I read your PM anyway thanks for the quick reply
I have googled for hours and cannot find a clean rom, is it illegal for anyone to give me a hint?
When I drag the patched game into that AP patch it just turns it into a bak file and i cannot find it on my when I try to play it
I'm having some problems, I patched a clean rom with V2 then V3 and now when I play the game it just freezes before the game starts, btw im using that wood firmware
Pokémon Black and White Translation Project v3 (Project is complete!)
in ROM - NDS ROM Hacks
Is V5 mostly story text update, or would there be a bit of everything added?