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About frika

  • Birthday 09/03/1986
  1. Apparently you aren't a "readingmaster," how would nintendo be able to help me with the gts exploit? I can get the gts to work fine under every other circumstance.
  2. Anyone? I have my ports open, I have closed every anti-virus/firewall/etc. I can find and I still get I booted in safemode w/networking and it would give me a DNS address but then port 80 would close. I have used HyperGTS, ir-GTS, (local)SendPKM, sendPKM, yet I cannot get it to work. I can access other GTS exploited DNS pokes. There has to be someone here that has some sort of fix, no?
  3. I will also get the 52100 errors too.
  4. Alright, for the past 3 hours I have been attempting to get the GTS exploit working. I have scanned this sub-forum over and over and none of the fixes for this problem have helped me. Here's the info: I started out trying the simple method using solely Python2.6.5, sendpkm.py, and a random pokemon from the Project Pokemon database. When I dragged the .pkm file over onto the sendpkm.py, the command prompt popped up and told me to set my DNS to, knowing this wasn't right I googled for some answers and came across this forum. The first fix I tried was to just use my IP address for the DNS on the DS cart. This fix would give me the green wireless connection indicator momentarily and then go red and give me the 52000 error. I have tried opening my ports, yet that seems not to do anything. I have shut down AVG and Windows Firewall. I don't run Steam or Skype. I am at my wits end at the moment, so any help would be much appreciated!
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