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About Sinaja

  • Birthday 09/19/1990
  1. Um, you and your friends are welcome to do the reading in the previous 2 topics so you can understand how to contribute. It's not fair to ask NSSVelocity to compile a list complete with instructions for you because you're too lazy to do your homework yourself.
  2. Why are so many people posting requests? "Could someone please Google translate it so I could go through the story?" "I think it'd be a good idea if you guys translated the story :)" Um, excuse me. This is clearly a combined community effort and you're trying to make specific requests? As if, everyone isn't either trying or knows that story is just as important as everything else. No, how about we just drop everything or go out of our way to Google translate the entire story just for you so you can have a convenient time. Really. If you're not contributing, listing bugs or asking for technical support then you're just being selfish and have no real reason to post.
  3. Hey guys, Thanks for your responses. I managed to get a hold of Pokegen by CODR and [i'm sorry I forget his name]'s Legality checker which let me import my save and do virtually everything I wanted without tampering with much. It was extremely simplified once I got used to the procedure of creating a Pokemon. The only issue I've noticed is that interacting with said Pokemon in HG/SS while walking fails to show the name of the Pokemon and instead replaces the name field with just "Pokemon", thus saying "Your pokemon is feeling tired" or whatever. Other than that, I'm extremely pleased. Kudos to CODR and that other guy (sorry again for forgetting your name). I'd donate via paypal if they had a link up.
  4. I've been reading for the past couple hours on these forums regarding save editing and everything associated with it. I've read all the stickies, even searched the seemingly-knowledgable posters (such as codemonkey85) for their posts so I could absorb everything that is accepted by this community. However, some things seem to go either unmentioned or are just generally accepted without much simplification for an amateur reader. Being someone who literally just bought a Nintendo DS with an 'M3 Simply' flashcard about six hours ago, I began to toy with the idea of getting every pokemon ever on a save (or at least, the ones that me and my fiance want). EDIT: Please do not discuss pirated material on the forums, thanks! I've been reading everything on this section of this forum but honestly, all the information is overwhelming to take at once. I was hoping for a general FAQ with simple idiot answers to simple idiot questions but I suppose the intricacy of all the hex editing and save file tampering calls for more specific issues. That being said, I have some basic compatability and end-goal questions. These questions are all out of pure ignorance and caution, if you're going to scold me for my uneducation then I suppose I deserve it. A lot of these questions may seem completely stupid to someone who is well-informed and for that, I apologize. First off: 1) Is there anything necessary for me to literally create 'legal' pokemon besides an appropriate program (I have codemonkey85's Pokemon generator and Ciro's pokemon make) to create and merge the .pkm to the .sav? Due to my ignorance of the whole homebrew firmware/emulation/general hacking of NDS', I don't know what else it would call for. Could I just edit my Pokemon Platinum .sav with codemonkey85's program and have the pokemon appear in my game the next time I boot up the save? 2) To my understanding, there are no popular/reliable HGSS hacking tools. I am still foggy on what is being accepted by the pokemon games as natural, so I'm wondering: am I theoretically able to create any pokemon (using the aforementioned generators/makers) for Pokemon Platinum, trade them to a Pokemon Pearl save, then have them traded to a Pokemon SoulSilver save and subsequently traded onto a Pokemon HeartGold save? 3) I keep reading about all these programs that people have to be necessary for hacking and editing. I'm not really interested in tampering with stats, abilities, EV, IV or anything of the sort; will the two programs I have mentioned be enough for me to do what I want or will I need several programs to execute certain procedures in order to achieve that? 4) This seems like a stupid question even to me, but whatever: are there any prerequisites to be achieved ingame before I can begin hacking or editing said save? I don't know how complicated it would be to change a save to have a National Dex before you've done the first gym (as I don't know the components of the value that defines it), so would that be an issue before tampering with a save? Thanks. I'll keep reading and edit my post if I find the answer to one of my questions.
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