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Posts posted by Metalbear

  1. Its not actually on my roadmap, but I will keep in mind many people want it.

    In my opinion it really is an awesome feature but it is very unstable. I tried for a few hours to get save working but the times I did get it to write, it just wrote junk to the cart.

    well just take your time, there is DEFINETLY no rush for this.

  2. JUst curious...

    does the loader give you the ability to load from the actual cart, or just from the .sav?

    If it's the first scenerio, THANK YOU.

    If not, it's ok. I also realize that it is not realiable, but keep perfecting it!

    Great job!

  3. I originally created a thread to check my own pokemon for legality, and although it proved sucessful, it made me realize that many members pose questions about legality of there pokemon or if someone may check the legality of them. Sadly, many members do not know where to look.

    This thread is intended to aid members in the legalizing of their pokemon through checking over trash bytes, running pkms through the legality checker, and answering questions not already answered in the Legality guide.

    Simply attached a post with the question, Error message, and/or pkm needing to be legalized. Our team of checkers/Legalizers will act as quickly as possible to solve your issue.

    From time to time I may post my own pkm because I may need some help as well. Legality can take a while to understand.


    -a maximum of 10 pkms may be posted every 2 days by a single member

    - always check the Legality Guide (by Greencat) first before asking a question

    - do not PM People contributing to this thread asking why they have not completed your question yet. They will always post here if they are not availible or have answered your question

    Further rules may be added in the future


    -Metalbear- Legality and Trash Bytes/ Pkm Attributes

    -Aarux- Pkm Attribute's

    -Sabresite- Legality Results/ "Why Does ____ Result Show Up?"/ Pkm Attributes

    -Toffeuy- Legality and Trash Bytes

    *** If you wish to help in the success of this thread, PM me!***

    Moderators: if there is already a similar topic, please delete this one. This was intended to make it easier to ask questions, find answers, and cut down on "Thread Spam"

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