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Posts posted by Poke888

  1. I believe many players of Ruby and Sapphire are looking for this cheat code calculator only to find that after so many years or months, the site is no more and the calculator is lost to the world forever.

    Fret not! I found it... again amongst in my old files so I am uploading this program for all to benefit.

    Get it now! This program is as rare or impossible to find as you would encounter a wild legit Mew!

    Pls inform me if I am violating any rules or anything.


  2. if this concept is to take off fanfic or reality... I think we need to think back why did we fall in love with Pokemon in the first place

    Is it the creatures themselves or the human characters or the training we put thru our fellow pokemon? What's the appeal of the franchise?

    For me it's the number of creature designs that kept my passion alive but I stopped watching the anime for good.

    And also some of those kids that first played Pokemon Red/Blue are probably now young adults in their twenties, I am one of those.

  3. Hey guys I know it sounds silly but I was wonder when one day the Pokemon Anime eventually comes to an end. I was think what if they can make Pokemon alive on the silver screen with state of the art CGI like the ones they used in Transformers.

    This is also for a fic I am coming up with. I just wanna see what the fans think.

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