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Everything posted by krizz02

  1. thanks for the input Vlad. checked out that script the guy wrote, where would that get added to in sendpkm.py? unfortunately i get zero response when trying this through sendpkm.py. tries to connect, i get nothing on my computer within sendpkm.py and it just errors out on the DS. i modified sendpkm.py to have it use my external IP.
  2. Vlad, any idea what would be getting in the way of connecting to nas.nintendowifi.net? If I use the python based script it doesn't even acknowledge an incoming connection. Using the GTS_Nuke people can connect no problem, but it never gets past the nas.nintendowifi.net part. I'm stumped. another thing that's strange is even if I don't have 53 forwarded, it's still open. i don't see what would be running on 53, i have nothing. could printer sharing over a network or windows 7 by default be using 53 for something?
  3. yea it did what i figured it would with my real DNS in secondary: showed spoofing, never recognized by sendpkm, eventually ends up in the actual real GTS.
  4. wouldn't that then bypass the spoofing?
  5. i will try that now datoneguy. no illegal pokemon in either parties though, especially my friends (he's using all in game caught pokemon). mine are from the pokemon database, very minor editing in pokesav (lowering current levels, carried items, happiness, etc. - all legal moves and what not). will let you know of updates. what exactly does setting the secondary DNS to my/his normal DNS actually do?
  6. I didn't see this thread at first, my apologies. Unknowingly posted this in the research thread. Welp, having an issue. Using GTS Nuker, works perfectly from my PC to my DS when inputing the host PC as its local IP address. When I use the external IP address I've been unable to get it to work, both to my DS and my friends. It gets to nas.nintendowifi.net and just keeps looping there. Hard to explain in words, so I'll just attach an image: Never gets past that, never attempts spoofing. Any ideas?
  7. Welp, having an issue. Using GTS Nuker, works perfectly from my PC to my DS when inputing the host PC as its local IP address. When I use the external IP address I've been unable to get it to work, both to my DS and my friends. It gets to nas.nintendowifi.net and just keeps looping there. Hard to explain in words, so I'll just attach an image: Never gets past that, never attempts spoofing. Any ideas?
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