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Posts posted by Phototoxin

  1. But its more complicated than just changing it... my housemates seem to loose internet if I change it t WEP and then reset the router whcih changes it back to WPA which is not compatable with pokemon.

    Is there a cheap usb key I could get that would work with a mac to let me play pokemon online?

  2. I think its about time I said hello seeing as I've been asking questions and making requests and generally annoying everyone :kikkoman:

    I'm Joe aka Phototoxin from the UK (although I'm irish!)

    I played Red and Gold years ago and my brother had Blue/Yellow and Silver. I skipped a generation though and only recently got back into the game wiht Platinum on the DSi

    My favourite pokemon are Dragon types and Ghost types and I'm currently working on making my self a dragon type team (see the trainer card - moltioc will be in there when I make enough poffins!)

    Any questions fire ahead - I also have msn too :cool:

  3. sweet. as normally I'd feel guilty about modding / hacking games but the reality is I have all 250 R/B/Y & G/S pokemon on my old gameboy colour carts so I don't care how I get them :D

    Thanks for the quick answer :D

  4. If I get say an illegitimate lvl 100 charmander and then breed it with a ditto will the resultant offspring then be legitimate?

    I've read this thread but I'm not totally sure of the terminolgy so sorry if its a repeat question

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