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Posts posted by Devo

  1. Wow, very impressive ! :o

    I'm sorry for the DNS server, it is not really made to handle a big number of requests in a short time...

    The best thing to do would be to make it working with threads, but because of UDP protocol structure, it's not as easy as TCP. :\

    The DNS port seems to be forwarded correctly, the problem comes from HTTP 80 port.

    When you use a port checker while SendPKM.exe is running, it should receive a wrong request and show an error, like that :


    If no error is shown, then that's not your computer that receives the HTTP requests, dunno what it could be (maybe your router).

    So no idea of what I could do then =/ ?

  2. "DNS server started on" only means that the socket was successfully bound on the port 53 of your computer, this is NOT the equivalent of sendpkm.py's "Please set your DS's DNS server to" (for example).

    This was more for debugging purpose actually.

    So, step by step, you must :

    - Know your external IP address, go here to have it for example

    - Launch DNS_Server.exe, and input that IP when asked

    - You are done with the DNS part, now start SendPKM.exe with a 236-byte .pkm or .bin file (you can drag and drop it on the .exe, that's much easier). It should say that it is ready and waiting for a connexion.

    Still not working for me....

    I forwarded both ports, i tested them and they seem to be open. I sued 2 different types of port checkers =(

    Any suggestions, i been trying for over a week to get this working T.T

    When the person tries to connect on the GTS they get a "you have been disconencted from the GTS,you will be taken to the counter"



  3. Sorry about this but I have 2 questions

    Q1. How do I form a .pkm file. A more detailed guide than the 56 file would be helpful

    Q2. I am running python 2.6 (the basic 2.6 not 2.65 or similar) and when I run any of the files in the Sendpkm.zip folder a Black box( it comes up so fast I cant read the box type but it is python.exe) Flicks on but dissapears a milisecond Later.

    It wouyld be appreciated if these questions were answered.

    Keep up the good work .

    Form a pkm file? You should use pokesav and just save the pkm file to the same folder as the script.

    Idk about th 2nd one, i have the 2.6.X that was on the python website and it works for e when i send pokemon to myself.

    what OS are you using?

  4. I haven't gotten a DSi XL yet but I wanted to know how to install PPSE-DS before I get it.

    What flashcarts do you all use and where did you buy yours from?

    On the PPSE-DS page it says to DLDI PPSE-DS to the DS. What exactly does DLDI mean?

    Does PPSE-DS ruin the game or the DS firmware as the Action Replay has been known to do?

    Can I create new Pokemon for my party or stored in my box with PPSE-DS?

    Is there a way I can transfer the SAV file and edit it on my computer?

    I dont think flashcarts work for the XL DSi

    -I use a cyclocDS(way better than most carts on the market)

    DLDI(Dynamically Linked Device Interface) most recent flashcarts are already patched with DLDI so if u get a recent/good cart you dont even have to worry about that.

    It doesnt ruin it, Ive used it and had no issues. the PPSE-DS runs on ur flashcart.

    Yes you can edit any pokemon.

    If u have a retail cart, you cant.

    Well theres a way but you wont want to , you need a special adaptor and opening ur retail HG/SS game to solder some stuff, since these cartiges have different technology than past games.

  5. +

    Firewall doesn't matter, you need to portforward. (unless you DMZ'd your computer)

    Portforward TCP&UDP 53 and TCP&UDP 80 to your LAN IP (I suggest setting your lan IP to static (in the DHCP reservation table))

    That isn't much help. Check if your IP is correct, try using your LAN IP, etc..

    -end reply to quote-

    I might try to convert this into a PHP script ASP.NET and then PHP (so that you can use it on your webhost). You'll need to figure out how to redirect DNS, though.

    Python script won't work there.

    my IP is static, and it that one.

    The port are forwarded fine on the routeer, although i dont trust the port 80TCP<.<

    Its that i used a portchecker called PFPortchecker(from portforward.com) ports 53 tcp/udp are open and 80 udp is open, but the 80 tcp shows as closed...., but if i use a portchecker online it shows port80 as open Xx

    ay suggestions =/ ?

    Vlad posted a PHP script you could use.


    Your ISP isn't blocking 53 by the way, your forwarding has some problems.

    You could use that script on your webhost (on a subdomain), and have the simple DNS CNAME to that subdomain. Then have your friend set the DNS to you, and he'll get redirected to that script.

    Would u mind explaining that one with a bit more detail ?

  6. What issue are you having exactly?

    The only common problem I've run into is people end up with seeing the DNS server connections, but the people get 52100/52101 errors (the DNSserver.py not properly directing towards somewhere for the sendpkm.exe to pick it up, or the sendpkm.exe not properly reading where the DNSserver.py is sending it).

    I've yet to find a perfect solution, but I'd recommend: A)Disabling firewall both on your modem (for that single PC), and windows firewall if you have it, and running in Administrator mode. Make sure that you have in "Internet Settings" "Public" set for that program, so that people outside your network can connect without a problem.

    Well thing is that i dont get an error message

    I try and connect, but then it just says it cant conenct and that im gonna get send to the counter, but theres not a message with an error #

    I cant disable the router firewall for th whole router or the one PC.

    Windows firewall is turned off.

    heres a screenie with the sendpkm.exe log


  7. Don't know, tried it and failed.

    You mean you tried the script,or the testing? The testing works if you use Vlad's egts script. I haven't had success with the others.

    Scratch that, its not working for me anymore =/

    I mean ive never had issues sending myself the pokemons. But im trying to use the one you posted which would allow others to connect.

    I have static IP, made 4 entries on my router for 53 UDP/TCP and 80 UDP/TCP ; as well as the same for my computer(windows firewall).

    but i cant get anyone else to connect.

    Mind giving me a hand =/?

    And the other questioin would be if it would be possible to make the scripts work ona regular web host

  8. Test Settings will always fail, 100% of the time, unless you use certain methods here.

    Here's what you do:

    Insert the DNS, don't test, just accept, and move on to going ingame.

    In game go to the GTS center (in Goldenrod), and connect from there.

    This script only works through GTS.


    @Vlad - I've been on /v/, and a certain IRC room and there is a LOT of demand for this working easily.

    Hope you don't mind but I hosted a small bundle of what worked for me of the stuff I found in this thread, and it works easily:


    I've only had one person say this way doesn't work so far, and he's still trying to figure it out now.

    I tried t and it works , nice going there

    Question, is t possible to implement it on a regular shared webhosting ?

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