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Posts posted by Shadow_Steve

  1. in conjunction to the quote in this message, use this newly converted code to get the key item "reflecting mirror/revealing glass" here is the code for the event, thanks to Bond697 for converting them for us:

    W2U (PAR)

    521659FC 2000DB01

    121659FC 0000E010

    D2000000 00000000

    B2U (PAR)

    521659BC 2000DB01

    121659BC 0000E010

    D2000000 00000000

    please read this quote in order to properly get the item, any questions about pokegen for this event only, i will be happy to provide answers to the best of my knowledge

    Just posting to say that by using the codes trance posted you can actually activate the mirror event without hacking it in.

    Download the Therian Landorus Guested contibuted,from here

    Then,using pokegen,edit its TID/SID to match those of your save file and activate the fateful encounter flag in the met tab (i dont know why you have to set the FE flag,hope someone can explain)

    Use the code that corresponds to your version


    Many thanks to trance and Guested!!!

    i have verified and noted on this that the event does work now with this code and other setup and once you have the item, you can disable the code and the item still works, thanks again bond for the conversion of the code

  2. The pokemon might need to have the Fateful Encounter flag set for the Reveal Glass to work on them.

    i have tried this along with the codes in the thread here from trance and the other kind soul that said they got it to work but i havent heard anything from them on here :(

    Alright, let me close this issue. The reflecting mirror can ONLY be obtained by getting a Landorus from Pokemon Dream Radar. Once the transfer is successful, it'll activate the event that will allow you to get the mirror. The transfer activates some in-game event that is also necessary to make the Reflecting Mirror/Reveal Glass work. So it is basically just the switch that turns the item "on". So, you'll have to get Pokemon Dream Radar and get Landorus if you want it that badly. Right now it is only $2.99* + tax on the eshop so it shouldn't set you back that far. So yes, it you get a defective Reveal Glass from Pokegen and then do the transfer, your mirror should work then.

    *=Prices subject to change

    well, what if we do not have the money to even get the 3DS then, are the people in that boat screwed, that is the main reason we are in the mechanics of the game, even if we did get this for the 3DS, it does not work with the flashcarts, so either way that is why we are trying to put it in-game with ar codes

    Here's a code I found on 2ch for allowing the Reflect Mirror to work. Add the Mirror manually (using 'Gen or 'Stock, pick your poison), and activate the code. It's not persistent, so keep it on each time you want to use the Mirror. I don't know if it affects the event at the shrine, though, as I'm not even close on my retail cart.

    W2 (PAR)

    52165374 2000DB01

    12165374 0000E010

    D2000000 00000000

    B2 (PAR)

    52165354 2000DB01

    12165354 0000E010

    D2000000 00000000

    I also found a CodeFreak version, but it was identical except for an additional line... I don't know what the equivalent of CodeFreak is, however. That extra line might do something important, so add it as a 5-type line(?) to the PAR code?

    W2 (CF)

    D2165374 0200DB01

    D2165376 01002000

    12165374 0000E010

    B2 (CF)

    D2165354 0200DB01

    D2165356 01002000

    12165354 0000E010

    Just posting to say that by using the codes trance posted you can actually activate the mirror event without hacking it in.

    Download the Therian Landorus Guested contibuted,from here

    Then,using pokegen,edit its TID/SID to match those of your save file and activate the fateful encounter flag in the met tab (i dont know why you have to set the FE flag,hope someone can explain)

    Use the code that corresponds to your version


    Many thanks to trance and Guested!!!

    its with these posts that got my hopes up about the reflecting mirror event as stated from this other person that they had it working but i followed this stuff to the tee and it did not work for me, so i do not know what is wrong with it :(

    edit: nvm, i see these were before the US/UK versions were out >_> silly me, but if someone can change these codes to work with the new versions we might be in business

  3. okay, i have poked around and unable to find what gets changes for the event to work properly, i have looked into the B/W2 AR thread on here and was wondering if anyone can verify this works or if something is wrong, im sorry if this isnt the right place for this but i have been trying pokegen too but unable to make the dream radar landorus in there either

  4. hey trance, sorry to bother you but i would like to know more about the reflecting mirror code you posted, also Dreamer, you said you got it to work, could you please explain, when i try it, neither gen'ing the item in with the code on works, nor does the event on the game too, so i might be missing something, is it a button activation?

  5. cant insert them in pokestock, it's bugged.

    C-Gear skin exchange thread.

    ok, then why have that in there, is it going to be fixed later down the road??

    also, sorry to sound like a bug here, but where is the exchange thread at??

    never mind, i found it xD, im a blonde

  6. ok, i know my english isn't that good >__> i will explain it better

    when i apply your patch (v8) to a clean rom, it works,when i try to pull some info from the patched rom using PPTxT program, it crashes on the main narc (2) and the file number is (0188) now when i build the info from the git files, it does the same thing but i checked the file and well i can't ind why its crashing cause its the same thing as the last few patches

  7. Basically, you need to use a clean a\0\0\2 and a\0\03 NARC files when using PPTXT (from a clean ROM). Patching over previously edited ones causes the crash you are asking about.

    no, im talking about your patch, im trying to pull the rom apart and fix a few things and well it crashes on your patch files, but with the last release from kaarosu and others it was 0189 from the main files crashing, i never had this issue, so i wanted to know if there was something big you changed in it

  8. hey Koolayde, having a crash issue with your latest patch in PPTXT program when i try to extract 0188 from the main files, i noticed i cant even look at it, without it crashing, so any solution to this, also if you want my help again, i would be fine with it

    also, sorry for leaving the community when i did, i had a lot of personal issues to take care of

  9. Also found out, when doing the stuff to get the transfer machine to unlock, i found two words when looking it up, it froze the game on e:

    Heart of Justice - shows ??????? on preview, when going into the list with it, it freezes

    DS to DS Connection - same thing

    i changed DS to DS connection - Ds connection, that stopped the freezing for that, but can't figure out a cut for heart of justice

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