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Posts posted by Toffeuy

  1. 9.2/10 - Was that a c4d you put in? It looks a bit weird when it's over majority of the stock, Unless it was supposed to be like a special made effect like being trapped in ice or something. And those white effects to the left of the head seems weird.

    It's really good, best you've done in a while.

  2. If you're trying to modify the stats to like 999, no point messing with IVs/EVs. Just go on Pokesav and click Edit for a pokemon slot in the party/storage. Do whatever you want on that page, and finally click the "Stats Edit" button on the top-left corner. Backspace all the stats and type in 999 (or whatever amount you want). After, just click OK. Don't click Max Stats otherwise it will change it back to 300 and something.

  3. Amazing, I just asked for you to make a tutorial and I was expecting it to be a brief one but just today, I saw it and it was a VERY informative one. Thank you so much, oh... and you need a Step 19:

    The Border:

    Create New Layer

    Press Ctrl+A to Select All

    Click Edit > Stroke with 2 pixels of black

    Set blending mode to Overlay/Soft Light

  4. 9/10 - Like Illithian said, it's too bright in some places. But I don't think it pulls away focus from Dragonair, since Dragonair is in the middle and has a thick outline, it doesn't affect too much. Around the middle, because of the brightness... you could hardly see the effects you used there, I could see the effects from around the edge to before the bright part, and it looks very cool. But you can't really see those in the middle. Also, I wanted to say, that around Dragonair's head, the Cyan colour you put there is too distinct from the other colours, but Overall, it was very good.

  5. A bit off-topic:

    127.png v 149.png

    Mosquito: Smart.

    wraith89: Whoo hoo

    wraith89: Go Cut Man

    Mosquito switched in Dragonite (lvl 100 Dragonite ?).

    Cut Man used Stealth Rock.

    Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!

    Dragonite used Thunder Wave.

    Cut Man is paralysed! It may be unable to move!


    Set up SR ASAP. Oh goodness gracious... a Thunder Waving Dragonite? Support Dragonites are quite useful actually and can be a scary threat

    Last Line in the Battling Phase... it says Paralysed... with the 's'... Go Aussie Spelling for Paralyse instead of Paralyze!

    @Illithian: I think all eeveelutions are foxes, or am I wrong?

    Back on topic:

    How does Scizor damage itself 29% damage when it gets confused? So Much...

  6. Haha, yup, I saw that Naru-Chu linked us the Gamexe Tutorials to find the Userbar Guide, I was wondering what other cool tutorials there are and I found it there. But since you use GIMP, you might need to have a few variations.

    For the Abstract Signature Guide, I followed only around the first half or so, I did a few different filters and strengths so that it could look a little different, but the outcome still came out pretty much the same but as you can see, there are some noticeable differences.

    @Narwhal: I'll get it done now ;)

    EDIT: Here:


    I cut the link of the original one since it has now been occupied by Narwhal.

    EDIT 2: What's with the new banner? It looks worse than the old one and the words are squished into one corner...

  7. Very Creative stuff there, I especially like the Lugia and Espeon ones. It would be really cool if you could help make sigs for the Community. It would be better if you arrange those artworks in sections and spoilers. For example make a sub-heading called Signatures then a spoiler under. And a part called non-sigs and a spoiler under or however you want it and whatever names you want to use. When there's a lot of images on the page, it kinda lags my internet speed because my internet is pretty stuffy. But of course, if you don't feel like doing that, you don't have to. Oh yeah... and one question:

    You see this sig?


    You know the "Unown Alphabets" you used to write "Unknown"... were those pictures or was it an installed font you used... if it was a font, can you PM-link me to where I could get that font?

    And also... do you specialise into making artworks and stuff, because it looks like you work in a company when you add "Ender Graphix" and the Ender Logo to your creations.

  8. I voted for Torterra, because (no offence) Venusaur just looks like a little weak flower to me and is a bit odd, while Torterra looks sturdy and cool

    EDIT: Found a mistake:

    In the Venusaur Part:


    - Being Poison type makes it weak to Psychic and Ground type moves.

    ^^^ It is weak to Psychic but its Grass Attribute neutralises the damage from Ground types.

  9. @reyesdelexceso:


    Tell me if you still want any changes.



    Tell me if you want any changes... it looks a bit plain... I know, maybe you should ask another artist to do it... maybe they'll know how to improve it.

    Use this format to put it into your signature:


    @Other Artists:

    I don't think I did a too-good-job up there for exile. It's a bit too plain I think someone could do better, so if you would like to do exile's request again to make it look better, feel free to do so. If you want to achieve the same aura sphere effect like I did in the sig, follow this guide. But maybe use some of your own ideas using the guide, so that it works better, for example, I actually skipped Step 1.


    Here are some other sigs I made:

    Yeah... I know, i'm pretty much bored, i'll be willing to gift these to anyone along with the ones I posted before as long as someone hasn't already taken them. Tell me if you want one of them and i'll put your name there.





    ^^ Sorry, can't give away Delcatty one because I forgot to save Delcatty as a PSD, so now I can't edit it and put a name there properly, unless you would like the Delcatty Sig, as it is; without your name on it.

  10. Granted but they are an especially high price, you think it must be high-quality that's why it;s expensive. So you decide to buy them... and after drinking ALL of them you realise the reason why they were so expensive was that someone put drugs in them.

    I wish someone would at least talk to me on MSN.

  11. Ohhh... a liger... misread... it always happens when I practice my speed-reading... sorry...

    Granted, but I decide for you, I make you cook dead cockroaches and poisonous spiders and when you eat it, you start to regurgitate all day.

    I wish I would never misread stuff.

  12. Granted, but since the world is now allowed to tame Tigers, they also are allowed to tame Lions... Your neighbour gets a Lion, and soon they engage in a fight, where the Lion kills your Tiger along with the Cubs...

    I wish I could make anything appear out of anywhere.

  13. Granted, you develop the a program which you think is for hacking, but actually it was a virus you developed, which stuffs up your computer.

    I wish I could get my laptop right now, our school will be giving them to only Year 9 students and higher. But i'm only Year 7... I don't want to wait another 2 years...

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