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Posts posted by Toffeuy

  1. Lol, this is cool! This sounds fun, i'm gonna see all the sprites before the English Release of HGSS! Maybe put the ImageDex part in the Description in the PPN Top 50 thing? And look... what's on the Main page of the ImageDex... a Togekiss! My Favourite Pokemon.

    @Aarux: Lulz, Absol's head actually is pretty big for it's body...

    EDIT: Also, don't you think the Togekiss Sprites are so adorable? <3<3<3 this site!

    Look at big Snorlax... not really cute but looks cool!

    EDIT 2: People listen to this, you can animate them into a GIF file yourself meaning you can see them move without buying the game! May not sound that cool actually, but I personally think it's awesome!

  2. @av10231

    Hey umm vould i hav a signature of nartuo and sasuke i want it like umm to be excellent thank u <3

    Very sorry, as you might realise, it is near the mid-years or third quarters of the year so most of us have especially more work to do. I was so caught up into finishing my assignments. I just finished 1 but I just got 2 new ones yesterday but luckily their due date is pretty late in the year and i'll definitely have time to finish them later. So I made your sig. Hope you like it:



    <a href="http://s954.photobucket.com/albums/ae25/ToffeuyEXTRA/?action=view&current=av10231Signature.png" target="_blank"><img src="http://i954.photobucket.com/albums/ae25/ToffeuyEXTRA/av10231Signature.png" border="0" alt="naruto,projectpokemon"></a>


    Ummm... would you mind updating the thread please? I mean in the Archive you have the Arceus banner you made but in this thread, you don't have the Arceus Banner.

  3. Hi, like HottSushiz said, people will help you with your AR here. If you experience any difficulties with it, be sure to post a topic in the RAM Editing or RAM Editing Help Sub Forums.

  4. Granted, her songs are now terrible and ear-splitting. The moment you hear a little of it you feel like you wanna suicide.

    I wish I could experience an adventure like an anime character would such as how you can travel around the world like Ash does in Pokemon.

  5. Granted but only for one day. The second day you still think you have the power but you actually don't and then when you finish running and stuff, you sleep and next morning your whole body feels sore and cramps all over your body.

    I wish damio would stop banning me and kicking me from the IRC for no specific reason...

  6. Found one:

    Original Post (Full Post)

    Movies: Pokémon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life

    By: Greencat - September 8th, 2009

    Recently on Pokémon.com, the upcoming Pokémon movie Pokémon: Arceus and the Jewl of Life has been announced.

    The story’s plot was also featured on the site:

    A Tale Untold. A Legend Unleashed.

    Get ready for the latest Pokémon movie, Pokémon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life! This final installment in the three story arc reveals that the Legendary Arceus is at the center of the recent disruptions in the Pokémon World. First the epic battle that threatened to tear a hole in the space-time continuum took place between Dialga and Palkia. Then Giratina, the sole defender of the Reverse World, had to take action to protect the precarious balance of its home and the Pokémon World. Now, Michina Town is at the heart of the action. The town has a long history and checkered past in relation to the mighty Arceus - after Arceus granted the townspeople some of its power as the Jewel of Life, they betrayed the Pokémon!

    Ash and his friends, accompanied by their new companion Sheena, travel in time with Dialga’s help to right the mistakes of the town’s ancestors before the world crumbles under the power of Arceus’ rage. Will they be able to fix the mistakes of the past? What really happened in the past - did Sheena’s ancestors truly betray Arceus? What the stunning finale to the trilogy when all of the secrets of the previous two movies will be revealed!

    For more information, click here.

    Read Full Article

    Original Post (The Quote where the mistake is)

    Movies: Pokémon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life

    By: Greencat - September 8th, 2009

    Recently on Pokémon.com, the upcoming Pokémon movie Pokémon: Arceus and the Jewl of Life has been announced.

    Supposed to be Jewel

    Link: http://projectpokemon.org/articles.php?req=read&article_id=114

    EDIT: Found another:

    Original Post (Full Post)

    Site: HeartGold and SoulSilver Pokédex

    By: SCV - September 11th, 2009

    We are pleased to announce the first batch of HeartGold and SoulSilver data is up for everyone to look at.

    Currently the Pokédex includes moveset data, learnable TMs and HMs and the normal stat information. For convenience we have made am english version based on some of the translated text from Pokémon Platinum. Things like Flavor Text have been ommited from that version since we do not have translations. The japanese version has flavor text as displayed in the game.

    To get to the HeartGold and SoulSilver Pokédex click on the General Pokédex link on the left.

    There is plenty more information from HeartGold and SoulSilver for us to discover. So check back and we’ll keep you updated on the progress.

    Read Full Article

    Original Post (The Quote where the mistake is)

    Currently the Pokédex includes moveset data, learnable TMs and HMs and the normal stat information. For convenience we have made am english version based on some of the translated text from Pokémon Platinum.

    Supposed to be an

    Link: http://projectpokemon.org/articles.php?req=read&article_id=116

    EDIT 2:

    ButtonDownload.png = Normal Eddition

    ButtonCompact.png = Compact Eddition

    ButtonsVersion03a.png = Version Number

    Instead of Eddition it is Edition with a single 'd'.

    Link: http://projectpokemon.org/editing/pokesav/pokesavdownload.php

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