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Posts posted by Matt140

  1. I'm really against double posting on forums, but will someone please show me exactly how to type in the commands in this program.

    I'm trying to get my diamond sav onto pokesav so i can save them to generate an AR code to put them all in a different game.

    Hi! Sorry for the late reply! Just to check, make sure you have Microsoft's .NET Framework 3.5 installed (see here).

    Basically, double click the exe and when it asks you for a .DUC or .SAV either:

    1. Drag and drop the file onto the command prompt window (but remember to remove the quotation marks from around the filename).

    2. Type the path to the input file manually (e.g. C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\MySave.duc)

    Hit enter and it will then ask you for the output location, basically type in the output file path.

    The app should then make a .SAV file (if you input a .DUC) or ask you for a Game Name, Save Name and Save Description before making a .DUC file.

  2. Excuse me if this sounds like a noob question. When I was in the old forums a long time ago, PPSE (before Pokemod) I believe was being made because Pokesav left traces behind when used. Does this program leave traces behind like Pokesav, or is it going for more the Pokemod approach (I use Pokemod here as I don't know what the idea behind PPSE is, if its the same or not as Pokemod.)

    Pokésav never left any traces behind unless they were made by the user. However, Pokémod (which is now PPSE) was, and is planned to be more user friendly and have more features than Pokésav, it is also replacing Pokésav as we don't have to rely on waiting for COM to release a japanese version, and then having to translate it. Sooo yeah, PPSE is a much better name than Pokésav as a whole (on these forums anyway).

  3. Thanks for this! Now I can make some weird and wacky program for the DS (may involve a bit of converting first :D). I've not had chance to look at the source yet, but, are things such as blocks implemented/planned?

    (Bit of an off topic question: (I'm new to DS programming) Does libfat (or whatever it's called) have a limit to how much it can read at once? Any attempts I make at loading the first general block (something around 49,000 bytes - which is quite alot) fail :().

  4. this would be so awsome

    but could it have the ability to trade to ds? like between computer and ds.

    That would require us to imitate the DS (which is something I really don't want to try to do, but it is being discussed by other members in Miscellaneous Research & Development).

    Hall of Fame

    The basics of Battle Video structure

    How the Touch Screen Poketch App stores it's picture

    I look forward to seeing the results of this research (especially battle videos!!!)

    1) No, on both accounts.

    2) As I said, I know the basic structure, so I could edit it. The problem is that I don't know exactly what values represent what..

    Except for trades, each line in the Journal is a 4 byte value. For something like "Used PC Box", that value is 03 00 00 00. For something more complicated like "Flew to X City", the first byte is again the identifier, and the others clarify where exactly you flew.

    Cool!!! But what do you mean about "Except for trades"? I'm guessing they follow a different pattern?

  5. Actually, I do know the basic structure and location of the Journal. It's some of the details that I don't have fully worked out yet. :)

    Like for example, how it records the day's starting position.

    What other secrets are you keeping from us!?!?!?

    I've only a few questions:

    1) Is it encrypted (or, does it have a checksum? My guess is yes)

    2) Can you edit any logs at the moment?

  6. Well first of all, trading doesn't set any "flag" for the in-game events you are referring to. The only thing that sets those off is if you have the correct PKM in your party and it has the Fateful Encounter flag set on it.

    Second of all, I'm pretty sure this topic belongs in Save R&D, not Misc. :P

    The data structure of the Pokédex and Pokétch Pokémon History apps have been laid out; to make a program that can perform legal trades between two games, we have yet to discover the structure of the Journal (which I believe will record trades), and there may be other things I am not thinking of just now. Otherwise... it should be possible.

    Even better would be if we wrote an app that can directly connect between two computers over the internet to perform trades between save files on each machine.

    If we could hack the journal to allow us to record trades, a neat idea would be to set up a server (GTS-like); and allow users to upload a Pokémon for trade (and request another in return; of course). If we had the server space, your Pokemon DS Library would come in useful here!!

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