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Posts posted by PewpewFiah

  1. Hi guys, I'm Nicky or Nick or Pew.

    I'm Irish, Currently live in Ireland and am hoping to study games programming in the future.

    I've played Pokémon since I was a little boy with my first game being Red. So yeah I've played every Gen. WOO GO ME AND EVERYONE ELSE THAT HAS.

    My favourite Pokémon has tended to be Phanphy/Donphan --> 232_30_0.png or Espeon 196_30_0.png

    Love those two Pokémon soooo much =]

    I hope I'll fit in here and I hope to stay for a long time!

    But for now, Toodaloo everyone!

  2. Well in HG/SS you recieve your Eevee off Bill his mom's house in Goldenrood, so I was wondering would you apply the 85h Value for a building in Pokésav?

    As I'm not that attuned to EV's and IV's yet I took the PP's version of Glaceon off the big list of .pkm files as they were all legitimate and I'm editing that file accordingly to my TrainerID,Name and location of capture and stuff.

    Any helps appreciated =]

  3. First of all i want to thank GreenCat for the legality guide, that helped me a lot. Well today was the first day i tried this so im still a bit shaky. But i came across this when editing the PIV's . And was wondering how you arrive on the type's. Eg., Legal, Illegal, Hacked, B-A-D-E.

    Well here's a screenie of what i've gotten so far. I can upload the pkm file if needed. I understand all the EV, IV values and things from research so it's really just this bit i need to understand:

    about the B-A-D-E <Unrestricted>

    What the hell is this one :confused:


    Any help is great guys, If there's a thread i've missed or something that you can point me to, that'd be great as well, as the search didn't turn up any results on this bit.

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