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Posts posted by PewpewFiah

  1. Has anyone here passed the Burned Tower in my hack? I've run into a game breaking issue but I need to know if maybe my save got corrupted (possible due to an issue I was having that needed my card to be reformatted) or if we somehow broke something. Please respond immediately.

    Just got back home after a long week >.>

    Good to see it's released Roland! I'll blow through it on HG and SS and see if I encounter anything myself , should have an answer by tomorrow or wednesday at the latest.

  2. Oh, so then the Cyclo isn't needed for editing the save files at all? I guess that's kind of nice, given that the Save Data Adapter costs less. I'm still interested in the Cyclo, though, and I've got some more questions about these things.

    The Cyclo says it works like an Action Replay. Can I connect it to my PC easily, and copy-paste large codes into it so I don't need to manually enter them in?

    The Cyclo also says something about backing up ROMs, and loading them. Does that mean I can make backups of a whole game and play them without the cartridge? It would be pretty cool to be able to make digital copies of all my games and play them without having to carry the carts around.

    And third, would there be a way to use the Save Data Adapter to transfer save games between the digital copy on the Cyclo and the physical cart?

    Thank you for putting up with all the questions, I appreciate the help.

    I'm not quite familiar with the Cyclo myself, but if you send me the link you're looking at I may be able to tell you more about what it means.

    And to answer your original question. The Cyclo MIGHT be able to edit the save if you're backing up the cartridge. It all depends on how it backs it up.


    yes there is, you have to input it in the hex data. You set the location to 3002 (Faraway Place), then input the area's hex value and that way HG/SS will read the area, and D/P/Pt will just display it as Faraway Place

  3. (Certainly not anything to do with that GTS DNS stuff :tongue:)

    Of course not, everyone knows it's just a fact myth that you'll find it in places like this =]

    Welcome, hope you enjoy the forums! =)

  4. There should be another shadow pokemon game for the wii. That would be cool using wiimotion plus when you try and capture them.

    After I heard about Battle Revolution I actually sent a letter into Nintendo asking for them to do it, I thought it'd be so cool having a pokémon wii controller! But no, meanies just decided to make a really bad game.


    I'd love to see a Shadow Pokémon game on the DS with the D/P/P - HG/SS engine, I'd prefer it on the latter engine though, having shadow pokémon be able to be caught with clever scripting and including special sprites when they walk around with you!

    But then again I'd just love another console Shadow game!

  5. Yes it was indeed in Crystal. In fact I still have that game lol. Though I wish it was on Gold and Silver, but more likely I wish it was in HG/SS. Sob...Sniffle...Sniff!

    It is in HG/SS? Teehee.

    And Welcome, hope you enjoy using the site =D

  6. hi,

    I'm new and I wonder if the event could also happen in europe because last saturday I went to a store nearby (in Belgium)

    and the arceus event, wich is normally only in america and japan was there...

    Do you knof if this event could be the same?

    thanks :D

    Unlikely, We don't generally have Movie event releases in the EU but who knows, we might. Simply because we dont show the movies in theatres. I've never seen a Pokémon movie in Ireland or the UK anyways. So I can't speak for all of Europe obviously.

    Edit: Though I do remember getting an email from my local VUE cinema that they were going to show number 7. Destiny Deoxys and give out the Deoxys legit event at it, but they only showed it for 2 days.

  7. If you're trying to make an ARDS code through the HGSS 0.03 I don't believe it works with the US releases see'ing as that version of the tool was made when HGSS were only out in Asia. So there is no US code maker for Pokésav yet.

  8. It seems to forget?

    Are you sure that you're just choosing "save" rather than "save as" and moving it somewhere other than your "battery" folder for an emulator or the "save" folder for a flashcart?

    Pokésav wont make it "forget" a save, I've never even had it corrupt a save but you're meant to make a copy when you're doing it anyways (well at least it's good practise to) so that you don't end up having to start all over again.

    What exactly are you doing that's getting you to this point? Noone can really help you without more info.

  9. Glaceon.png

    Screenshot of it in game not showing anything out of the ordinary. I'll check the SID/ID now but I don't think they're off from my ID's.

    DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR that was a big fail for me there, I was confusing that, My other pokémon were being treated as trades, I shouldve guessed that as my name was in the English characters for Japan before so the other pokemon showed my name as ¬¬¬¬ but my Trainer Card thanks the the PPRE-DS showed Nicky and so did Glaceon.

    Problem solved. xD Thanks for the help guys.

  10. Why not use this: **REMOVED**

    At least in the meantime, since I dont think people will be working on a straight-up AP patch anytime soon.

    There's a character offset of 8 with that patch so it wouldnt work in a patch file as the formatting would be too different to work on the US files.

    Looking forward to an increased difficulty version of HG as I'm nearly finished Johto now less than 2 days in, it seems too easy nowadays to nearly clear a game in 1 day. I remember doing that with sinnoh *sigh*

    Anyways best of luck with your bug fixing!

  11. That was grand thanks.

    Though a slight hiccup if anyone else can answer it. It's treating it as if it was traded and if I use it to battle with it has the slow exp crawl and if another pokémon benefits from it's battle through an Exp.Share it gains the "boosted exp"

  12. hi i have some problems with this pokesav,

    First it cant load my sav, in my name apear interrogation signs also where should be my pokemon names

    i use a no zoomer emulator, and my sav has 520 kb


    Wrong thread in the first place.

    Secondly your "NO$GBA.INI" file open it with Notepad, scroll down to the line that says:

    ' SAV/SNA File Format == Compressed '

    and replace it with

    ' SAV/SNA File Format == Raw '

    Load up your game and save it again. Use that sav file with Pokésav.


    Thanks for the speedy translation I couldn't wait for a new version of Pokésav to start crackin on my HG and SS hehe. Thanks a bunch!

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